Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday, 10/25- Mark's "daily report"

Another day is upon us all. One thing is see is the Imitrex is not as good as it was at first. The first few times I took it, it would work in 15 minutes or so and was getting at little longer each time. Last night, I had a headache that would not subside until 45 minutes of medicine and then went to a dull pain and would not fade out completely. Then, if that was not enough, it came back around 5:30AM this morning and I had to take another medicine to help. I guess 6 hours sleep is better than the small batches I was getting, though. The one this morning faded after 20 minutes, but feels like it is trying to come back 2 hours later.
My surgery is schedule for Nov 26 and I was told it was to take the metal out. I am sorry about the information, but he did not say ALL of the metal or just part of it. Betty felt like this was for all of it as my wounds have healed on the inside. I did not hear that from him, but my mind was more focused on the word "surgery". I am not excited about it, but getting off the medicines may make my headaches disappear. For this, I am thankful. I get concerned with all the medicine I am taking right now to control BOTH issues. I have four different medicines for my headaches that I switch around to and the anti-biotic and other drugs for my "original" problem, too. Then, if this wasn't enough, the doctor has asked me to see a skin specialist for skin adjustments right after my surgery. That is what I need. ONE more doctor in this picture!
Life is great today, even though this probably does not sound positive. I am alive and breathing on my own and loving every part of it. Don't let me bring your day down because that is not what I am trying to do. UP! That is where my day is and yours should be, too. GOD is taking care of me and hopefully, you too. Thanks for being here for me and reading my update today. Hopefully, this headache I feel trying to come on will fade away and this will be another GREAT day!!!
Mark 10/25 7:45AM


Tiff said...

Well dad, just as you've said, It could be worse. On the plus side because of all this you know without a doubt that you ARE loved by so many people and that everyone is supporting you through this difficult journey.

You are an inspiration to so many people, including me, though honestly, I have believed that you were an inspiration..

Love you so much Daddy

Karen Bills said...

You make every day a special day for me just by your great attitude. You make me remember how special every day is. "This is the day the Lord has made and I will rejoice and be glad." I pray your headaches will get lighter and shorter - soon.
Give Betty a big hug from me.
Love you much!
Karen Bills, older cousin