Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday, Oct 28 Update from Mark

Life is all good right now. I have had one headache during the night for the last two days. I had two minor headaches Saturday which are caught earlier than at night and tend to fade faster and one more today. These night time occurrences usually are 20 or 30 minutes before they are gone. Daytime one are shorter since I usually catch them earlier.
We went to see my parents this morning. There are so many friends of theirs from Church that have been praying for me and my recover. It was a couple of days before my Dad's birthday so we went for that and to tell all the people in Church a big Thank You. It was a good trip for us and was time well spent!!!
Now, to say that my life is in trouble is a little much right now. Two days after my accident, Betty's sister, Margie and her husband, Herb, were in a pretty bad car wreck. They spent some time in hospital recovering and thought all would be OK. Well, shortly after all of this, Herb was acting a little weird and a little distant but they could not figure anything out. He finally had an episode with his hunting group and they called Margie. She met them about half way and she took him to the hospital again. They found out that his brain was bleeding inside his skull. They did surgery on him and he seems to be doing better already. This guy is one of those people that would do so much for anyone that needed it. He is one of those special people on this planet that we need here. I could not love this guy any more than I already do even if he was MY family. He is improving and could really use a prayer from each of you. Funny to think about it, but Margie also married a Bradley, even though we are not kin. You would not know it if you saw us together! My hope, heart and prayer goes to you, Herb Bradley. You are an inspiration to everyone who knows you. God we help you through this and back to the great person you always are. We all love you so much!!!

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