Friday, October 26, 2007

Mark Update #2 for 10/26

My visit to the plastic surgeon was quick. In and out without much wait. He is concerned about the shape of this wound while a month rolls by. He wants to make sure there is not more infection setting in on it. He can do this, but not in one try. He seems to think he needs to make some modifications the first try and see how it sets up. Then on a second trip, repair any damage after the first try and then on a third trip, he will cut and place muscle over this area. This guy was pretty thorough, but wants it to be right. I guess that is good, but time consuming. Right is best, but time is important too. I guess we will see how this works out over time. Hopefully, he can help me walk without a limp like I have now. I will start my rehab on this come Monday. Insurance covered me on this part for two months if needed. The guy we talked to was very nice and helpful and knew some stuff about all of this he learned from some existing clients. That made me feel good that he knew what bridges were ahead for me and seem like we can get over them together.
Love to all of you. Hope God is on your side like he is with me. We all need him!!
Mark 10/26/07 #2

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