Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, Oct 21. Mark's Second for the day!

What a day it was today. Since my pain got me up early and Betty was up too, we decided to go to church today. It was a great time for both of us. Lots of people there knew what I had done and gone through. I don't like the normal attention giving for something like this, but it made me feel good any way. That was the good part of the day.
After that, we came home and tried to relax a little. I turned on football and fell asleep pretty quickly. Needless to say, I was up in an hour with a real pain er that the medicine knocked out in about 30 minutes or so. This medicine did well enough to put me out again. Most of these headaches rate about a 9 an a scale of 1-10. After this next hour sleep, I was awake again with another headache. This one was a real bad one. On a scale of 1-10, I think this was around a 12 or so. And it this wasn't enough, it lasted through two doses of medicine about 1 and a half hours. One it faded down to "tolerably", it was a mild, constant headache for another hour or more. It finally died down enough to settle down a little bit. I went to my bedroom and tried to relax and one came #3. This one did not materialize as bad bad and did not even let me take medicine for this one before it started fading. I almost want to stay up all night tonight! Betty has to be at work at 6AM tomorrow, so waking her is not a good option for me. I will not be sleeping by her and will try to keep my screaming down to keep from waking her up. These pills are all running down, but the doctor will get a call on them tomorrow so I do not run out.
Two great comments came from my earlier note. Janet (my wonderful cousin) suggested sleeping at an angle. We tried this once before and I did not stay that way for very long. Maybe I need a little more help with controlling my angle during sleep. The other note came a very good friend that question my shot comment. They seem to work real well at first, but the pain I get from the injection and the feelings I get for the first 1/2 hour make this questionable. It only lasted about 4 hours last night before a headache woke me. Then I got a headache every hour to hour and a half after that. It might have saved me a couple of misses, but according to Betty, I woke up screaming in pain and laid back to sleep. I did not wake up more rested for sure. What is my answer? This I do not know. If I get too many like the one this afternoon, I will have to do SOMETHING for sure. I asked Betty to take me to the hospital during it, but she said to give the medicine more time and gave me another round of pills. It finally worked, but very painful.
We go see the doctor about my back plate on Wednesday. Maybe he will have something good to tell me. I know my arms and legs are hurting now because I am using them for the first time in many months. I cut back on my exercising to help, but it may take a while to see a difference.
Tiffaney was home this weekend and got to see in reality when my life is like know. I am sure this was not the pleasant event she usually gets when she comes home. Hopefully, this did not shake her up too much.
Life is good! It is great to be here and be loved by GOD and all my family and friends. Y'all make me glad I am here. Tough nights are just part of it right now. I will live through and be thankful for all of you being there for me.
Thanks, Mark

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