Friday, October 19, 2007

10/19-Friday: Another great day...Mark

Well, Friday (10/19/07) is upon us and it is a great morning. I finally made it upstairs (quite a struggle) last night to sleep in my own bed. Betty even let me take a REAL shower this morning. After that, she change my bandage on my back and said that the wound is improving a lot. This is great to me!!! We seem to be moving in the right direction. Walking is still quite difficult right now. My right leg does not work well and hurts when I walk (still in the hip area where it is still healing), but I took 20 steps last night without my walker. 10 good ones and 10 hurting ones, but it was 20 total. Now, the stairs present quite a challenge. Talk about slow moving. My legs don't move up so well yet, but this will get better as we go. I have two walls to use to help me get up there, and always, left leg goes and and right comes to the same step. It is slow, but up still counts.
Now, are my headaches any better? Not really. I had four of them last night. They are quite intense, but on the oral medicine instead of IV medicine, they don't last as long. Each one is 20 to 30 minutes of so extreme pain, but it is better than the 1 1/2 hours episodes that the IV was creating. It makes a good nights sleep quite hard to get, but hopefully, they was disappear on there own. We go back to the doctor next week to check my metal plates and wound and maybe he will give me some insight on this. Only time will tell.
I have to really feel bad for this wonderful woman who survives all of this. I don't know how she makes it from day to day with her lack of a full nights sleep and STILL works, but she is the real reason I am still here! 26 years ago this week, I made one of the smartest decisions that could be made and couldn't be happier we are still together. She is my true life line EVERY day. I definitely have my wonderful life because of my darling wife. Betty is there for me in all situations! I love her more and more each and every day. She is the reason I am still here!!! She also the reason I have these wonderful children in this world!
One thing I have not touched one enough is how great people have been. From many, I get all sorts of help. One good friend (Shane Dees) comes by and mows for me and do all the little things I can't do myself, yet. He used to live next door, but moved about a mile away, now, but still comes really regular. Also, while I was out, people gave so much help to Betty. One family took my son into their family for quite a while. The difference that made is wonderful. They even said it worked out great for my son AND theirs to. Keith and Dawn Lyons, I owe you greatly for this. Also, the wonderful family next door took Matt to get supplies for school (thanks Mark & Donna McKee). Another friend in the neighborhood (Lisa and Don Holcombe) took Matt for school clothes, too. These were another one of those wonderful moves that seems to be untouchable! Several neighbors will mow my front yard with their mower when they finish theirs. On top of all of this, I hear from so many people by phone and mail. I had three cousins and one aunt call me this week that just makes my time wonderful. I know I was in their thoughts, but to here the voices is wonderful. I hear (calls and e-mails) from the Bradley family all the time, but these calls were from Mom's (Gray) family. It is great to know how important I am to so many. Just the additions to the BLOG, e-mails, phones and letters written mean the world to me. I heard from people from work yesterday. If I don't call Paul Palermo at work sometime during the week, he will call me to make sure I am OK. That is another one of those "feel good" calls that mean so much. It really amazes me that there are so many people that pray for me daily that naturally lifts your spirits! What a group of friends and family that has gathered there for me. I love the way everyone rallies around for me. You are the greatest group of people one could possibly have around them.
Great kids, great cousins, aunt, uncles and even Betty's wonderful family along with the friends I have come so close to over the years could not be ANY BETTER. Thank you all for being there for me.
Enough from me about all of this. I wish each and every one of to have a great day like the one God brings to me. You ALL deserve it.

1 comment:

Sheryl Malek said...

Mark, it is so good to hear of your progresses! I haven't read the blog all week (GASP!) and I had to do a lot of catch up reading! Your attitude is amazing and truly shows the gratitude you have towards God and your family. I don't think anyone could go through what you've been through without a strong belief sysetem and the faith and strength that your family has shown from the beginning.
We had our 4th annual conference all this week at church (camp meetings, birthday for our church) and one of our visiting pastors said something I'd never really thought of. He said blessings and favor are two different things. John 10:10 says, "...I've come that you may have life, and life more abundantly." The first part of this shows that we are blessed. We are all blessed in the fact that Christ came and died for our sins, blessed that we are alive and healed. But the second part refers to favor. When we know God and all he's done for us and we live for Him alone, we are full. Our lives are complete. When this happens though, God doesn't stop pouring his blessing on us, and this is overflow, abundance, FAVOR!!! When we are in God's favor, we can roar up like mighty lions and overcome whatever is placed in our path. I believe, Mark Bradley, you are in God's favor. I read in Guideposts months ago, "If your cup runneth over, place it on someone else's saucer." Overflow isn't for us (we're already full to the brim, remember?) so continue to let it flow from you, as you have in these blogs, so that others might be blessed and turn towards God in their time of need.
I'm blessed to know you, now more than ever!

Love, Sheryl Malek