Saturday, May 30, 2009

May 30 and still updating

Another week has gone by and summer will be on us REAL soon. I got to spend the day with Maxwell last Friday while Megan went over to help with the graduation ceremony and activities. What a day we had. It is such an exciting thing to spend the day with someone that NEEDS you to be there. I love every minute of the day! And yesterday, Megan had come to Crosby to pay her new daycare funds and while she was on this side of town, called me to meet me for lunch. We had a nice quiet time and I got to love on Maxwell some more!
Work is an interesting thing right now. With all the changes that my company is going through right now, we are all just thankful we are still there. Rumor is that next week they will be deciding who is still needed and what cuts are going to be made. I can only hope and pray that they still need me. We hear there will be major changes as to how we do things around there, but we just have to hope for the best. Only time will tell us for sure but hopefully, God will help us through these times!
Betty is telling me many times how much I have changed since my accident. She is still convinced that my mind is not like it used to be. I do notice some things are different and I don't think as well as I used to but she says it's more than just that. She also says that others have noticed it, too. Hopefully, God will help me through these times and all will be OK. This may be a challenge He set up for me, too. It's funny that everyone else sees it, but I don't notice it.
I had a friend at work this last week that asked me how I was doing and was I at 100%. We talked a little about it but I did not go into many details about it. I have pains every day but they will always be there and I have adjusted to it. Are they major items? Not any more! I pay a lot more attention to certain things that I did not have to before. Walking is one of those things. I look at the ground more because something that is not smooth can cause major issues. Lift something heavy is always going to be an issue, too. If the item is already up and I don't have to bend to get it, I do much better. I still can't walk well while carrying something with weight. This still makes me limp and probably always will. I noticed that riding a bicycle is easier now than it was 6 months ago. It used to hurt to get my leg over the seat, but that has passed. Bumps in the road still hurt and probably will for quite a while. The doctor told me that a broken tailbone will always be a concern, but I deal with this, too.
It is just one of those funny things about life. As we get older, certain things bother us more than they used to, but most of the time these issues come on pretty slowly. Mine all come at one time so getting used to them was an adjustment in life and He helped me deal with it. It is OK because my friends, family and God all pulled together to get me where I am today. I am here to watch my Grandson go up and spoil him every time I can.
A great amount of love goes out to each of you and thanks for helping me pull through this. Smile every day because God loves each and every one of us and makes being here today a wonderful thing!
Mark 5/30/09

1 comment:

Unknown said...

praying for you and your job situation =) Sallie, Scott & Noah