Saturday, April 26, 2008

Saturday, April 26 and still here...

Another week has flown by and I am still alive and moving well. Rehabilitation is going OK, but I hurt after each session. I think this means I am improving, but it is sometimes hard to tell. My right shoulder hurts more than it has lately and I don't find any of my work out exercises that cause pain when I am doing it. It hurts now to reach out to something with my right arm and I don't know why. This must mean something, but I am not sure why.
I went to see my old cub scout troop graduate to the boy scouts on Tuesday. My friend Keith is running the troop now and he seems to handle this well. There were some people there that were glad I was able to make it and talked about the scare they all had when I was down. They said many prayers for me. Those combined with all of my other friends and family members prayers that were pulling for me. I was not real sure they even knew about my accident, but Keith and Sheryl made sure everybody knew where I was and how I was doing. I got several hugs from some of these parents and the support they showed made me feel good. I helped these kids for over a year and got to watch these kids grow up some. It made me feel good to see them make this transition in scouts.
On Saturday, we went to see one of Megan's friends get married. Jamie's Dad talked to me about his concerns for me after my accident, too. We saw many people there that we had not seen in quite a while and this was good, too. Some people looked familiar, but some I could not remember their names. Betty helps me here all the time. She knows how my mind works and doesn't work. I am not sure how she knows, but she does. My memory, especially with names, is not like it used to be. I am hoping with time, that it will come back better. Only time will tell for sure.
I noticed over this last week, that I don't limp as much as I once did. As a matter of fact, I only limp when my body gets tired. If I do too much, my pelvic area lets me know. I would like to think rehabilitation is helping here. I still have pain when I climb up ladders and down them still hurts, too. I know my ability to do stairs is improving, too. I can go up stairs to my bed room with little or no pain and I don't have to use the hand rail. I am slow going up and down, but this is good to me. If I could just figure out how to make my broken tail bone quit hurting, I would be much better off. It still is hard for me to reach something on the ground and if it weighs much, there it stays. I know better most of the time not to try to lift anything heavy. The pain is not worth it!
So as you can tell, I am still getting better, but still have a ways to go to be "me" again. God is helping me here and will work with me to get better. I am so thankful to Him for this assistance. He is still trying to help me improve my temper, though. I don't realize it, by Betty tells me. If I try to get to something and can't, I still get angry. Sometimes I see this and sometimes I don't. If I am looking for something, my mind does not help here and I will loose my temper trying to find it.
If you are one of the people that still read this, I want to say thank you for still caring. I keep thinking that I should quit writing here, but people tell me once in a while that they still read these. Some are friends and some are family. This is my way of telling you where I am and how I am improving and to point out some of my faults as I see them or get told about them.
Thanks for being there for me in love and prayers. It means the world to me and this will always be a part of me.
Love you all so much,

Monday, April 21, 2008

Monday, April 21 and still moving forward

Another week has gone by and I am still here, breathing on my own. I still have a limp and sore on movement but I am still moving along. I had a guy from work wanted to buy one of my motorcycles this weekend. It was hard for me to get some work on it, but I was able to put it back together. Kick starting it was hard and very painful. I could not even lift enough to help load it. Thank goodness there is a ditch for the truck to back into. It is the little things in life that make you appreciate being here still. I got tried out working in the garage cleaning up some this weekend, too. It is amazing how quickly I tire out. Sometimes I wonder if I will ever be good enough to do some of this stuff. What is strange about this is that my wife knows how I am doing. She realizes by my actions that I can not do most things I used to could do and will come help so often.
The house needed to be washed this weekend and Brea do it for me. She knew I could not and should not do it. Most of it was up high and I knew I couldn't do it. She did a great job on it, but she got tired while doing it. It made a lot of difference in the way things look. It is so great to have people that look out for me like this.
I still have problems at work, too. I ride a bicycle at work a lot but have much pain getting on it. My pelvic area does not like raising my leg up high enough to get over the seat. It hurts to get on it but I can ride as long as I don't try to go too fast. Even using a truck at work hurts to get in and out of. At least my truck has a step board on it so I can get in easier. Some people look at me sort of strangely when it hurts to get in and out. It is hard to explain the pain involved.
I am going to rehabilitation three days a week and I feel like it helps, but am in pain after each session. Some of these exercises hurt when I do them but I have to keep trying them to get better. I will walk up to a machine and have to lower the weight from where it is for others, but I can live with this.
This is how life and God are treating me. Some say I should be angry, but I am glad to be here taking in my far share of air!
Love to you all,
Mark 4/21/08

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday, April 12 and still here...

Another week has gone by and I am here again. My doctor was a little concerned on my progress being made. He was upset that I quit going to therapy because of time. He told me that I will not fully improve if I don't go and let them work me further. It is hard for me to get there before they close without leaving work early. I will explain to my boss how important this is to my doctor and for my health. I have to go do this to continue to improve. I have to make this an important part of my week and spend time there to get better. I always knew that it helped, but I did not see it as a problem not getting to go. He asked me if I wanted to be like I am for the rest of my life. This was an easy question to answer. He knows I will probably never be back where I was, but I can get rid of some of my problems by working on them in therapy. This is what I need, another person in my life that cares about me and how I am doing. My boss will just have to understand how important this is to my future. That is one of those things I have to be thankful for. A boss who cares about how I am and won't have a problem with this little bit of time missed by leaving a little early.
I saw one of my neighbors out building a batting cage for his son and could help a little bit, but I could not do much for him. I could tighten the nuts but could not raise the bars for him. It is so aggravating to me to not be able to do the things that I used to could do, but that is how I am now. Less helpful and more bothered with this. I know I am trying to get used to it, but it is a tough "pill" to swallow. My parents knew this. They had someone come in and build their front porch, even though Dad and I built the back one before my accident. He knew that WE could not do it since I am not a lot of help on things like that. He did tell me what he was doing so I would not get upset about it. I hate little things like that, but I just have to accept them and move on with my life.
It is like work. There are so many things that I can't do yet, but the guys I work with know this and handle it with out much concern. Their main goal is that I am there tomorrow. I know this and have come to the realization. Part of me wants to be fully back, but God is helping me work on these things a little at a time. I am so glad He decided that I still need to be here on this earth. I know this was his choice and I can only Thank Him over and over for this chance.
I wish to thank all of you for reading this and following how I am progressing. I am here because SO MANY of you prayed for me. I don't even know how many prayer groups I was in, but it was evidently enough to keep me here. I still get scared when I read the BLOG for the early days. I did not know any of this at the time it was happening, but I still bothers me, now.
Thanks to all of you for the kind thoughts and prayers that were sent for me. You are part of the reason I am still here and able to write my notes as I go.
Love you all so much. More information sometime soon.
Mark 4/12/08

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Tuesday, April 8 and still moving forward

It has been over a week since I put anything in, so I thought I might add some information. It has been a good week, but I still have some issues. I can walk stairs now without having to pull myself up. It still hurts a little bit, but is getting better. I noticed that my handrail at home is loose from pulling myself up the stairs on it, so add fixing it to my list of things to do. I will be able to fix this with time and a little more healing. My limp is getting better, too. I don't limp nearly as bad as I once did but I do limp a little still. With the damaged to my pelvic area, I am lucky to even be able to walk.
I did some work around here this past weekend. I spread mulch in the flower beds up front. Filling the wheelbarrow was some pain, but I was able to do it. Lifting it up was OK too because it was already up. Bending down and lifting something on the ground still hurts but the handle are up so I was able to do it. Dumping it was a little painful, but possible. The hard part was getting to the ground to spread it out. I tried working on my knees but that did not last very long. Then I started sitting down to spread it. This was OK but I had to get up too often. This still hurts to do. Sitting on my broken tailbone is not pleasant either. That is OK, too, for now. On Sunday, I had a tree cut down. I was not any help there. I could move the little limbs but it hurts to get to them. I knew better than to think I could do much. So thankful Shane does this so well. He worked on it for several hours before it was piled up. It was a dead oak tree but the wood was still good. He took some of it and I kept a lot of it, too. This will work good for BBQ! I hurt some on Sunday from my mulching on Saturday and put Shane, his brother in law and my son in law to work to do this. This time last year I would have been all over helping. My life has changed and now I am convinced I can't help on certain things. If this wasn't enough, my front yard was wet this afternoon. I checked out my water meter and had a line leaking. First, I had to find the line, then find the leaking part. I used a shovel to dig a hole but I can't lift the grass chunks like I once could. I would cut a piece and fight with it the get it out of my way. Bill, from two doors down, came over to help. He did a lot of the deeper digging that I can not do and his wife, Cathy, kept telling me I should not be out there at all. We got the leak fixed and tomorrow I have to fill the hole back up if it is through leaking.
So, as you can see, my life is working on coming back, but it will take some more time. I know I can not push myself too much, but a little here and a little there and I hope to one day be me again. I know God is working with me to help me be better. There are some things I know better than to try, but over time, I will be fine. Running may be out of my life forever since the pounding of my feet on the ground hurt too much. I can ride a bicycle better now. It still hurts to get on with lifting my leg over the seat, but I ride one better than I did a month ago. I hope to be able to do this without pain, but this will take time, too.
I would like to thank all of you for sticking with me and the love and prayers you send me. This means so much to me to have this support.
With my love to each of you for reading and caring. Let God be there for you like he was for me. Don't be afraid to talk to him about a problem or just an issue you need help with. Until next time I update this, I am out of here again. Another week of happiness is ahead for us all. Thank you God for keeping me here!
Mark 4/8/08