Monday, August 27, 2007

Monday, 08/27

Good afternoon all. I know that many of you have been checking the blog all week-end to find out some sort of update and there has been none.

Mark had a pretty good week-end. The only thing that I know right now is that Betty is waiting to talk to the doctor. Betty did tell me over the week-end that Mark is supposed to be moving over the the TIRR unit (rehab). I do not know if that is going to happen today but I will let you know more when I know more.

Thanks for all the prayers, love and concern for Mark's family.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Sheryl Malek said...

O.K. maybe my evil plot to get someone talking worked!!! ha ha ha! You know I was the eighth comment, eight being the number of new beginnings, and now we have (new) mail!!! YEAH!

The start of rehab soon!!! WOW! This is a giant step in the right direction it sounds. I'm glad Mark had a good weekend! Let's pray for many more! Thanks, Karen, for filling in when Betty and Megan can't update! The whole Bradley family is amazing!!! LOL, Sheryl