Thursday, August 9, 2007

Still Waiting

Hey all, this is Karen (Scott's wife). Wanted to a post for today. Well it's Thursday evening and we are still waiting. It's been a long day but there have been some emergency cases come in so Mark has been pushed back again, but I guess the night is still young. You can read the comment blog for yesterday's post to get more of an update, but for those that just look for a new post here it is.

I was able to go in and update the time for Betty so we are not living on Pacific time, we are going Pure Texas time.

Thanks to all for the calls, prayers, love and thoughts. We will post more as we progress.

Keep it flowing..


Scott & Karen said...

Just got a call from Dad (Wayman). No surgery tonight, bummer. Right now they are looking at 1st thing Monday morning (unknown time). Dad & Mom are heading back to Magnolia to rest. Monday seems like a long time to wait but possibly faster healing on Marks part as he gains more strenght.

Love to all and prayers for not only Mark but our family and friends too.

Keep it flowing.....
Karen (Scott's wife) - Friendswood, Tx

the flipside said...

God must have a reason for post poning this again. It must not be Marks time for surgery. Though I am sorry for Betty and the family that they have to go on this roller coaster ride again and again.

His white blood count will be down more by Monday and he will be stronger,and now that he can pray with us for his own healing thats even better.

Praise God for all that he's doing in the Bradley family and for their friends with all these wonderful testimonies to His goodness. Keep up the faith! Gods Blessings to everyone. Sallie

Sheryl Malek said...

You know, last night as I read the posts about Mark's surgery getting pushed further and further into the night, I prayed that this was God's way of postponing it again. I was concerned about tired surgeons. Unless there's an emergency, I don't think surgeons work through the night, do they? Anyways, I just prayed that if this truly wasn't the best time, that God would somehow intervene. So, I believe with Sallie, that even though this seems like a roller coaster ride, we've been patient with God this far, we need to trust Him in His timing for this surgery too.

Thank you, Karen, for picking up where Megan left off, so the rest of us can stay informed.

Love, Sheryl

jeanette ita said...

To family, I just say "thank you, God, for the surgery and allowing Mark to come through on the other side.Thank you. Thank you. Thank you." Waiting for the results to be posted seemed forever and I wanted to call, but I knew Betty would let us know as soon as possible. I have been in prayer many times as I know everyone has. And will continue in prayer. Just wanted to say we are out here. Love Jeanette Ita,Vernon's oldest daughter.