Monday, August 27, 2007

It's always something...

So I called after class today to check on Dad again, mom said they were "supposed to move him to rehab at five". I asked what she meant by 'supposed to'.

She said she was taking stuff to the car so they could leave this evening, and told the nurses she needed to be gone for like 10 minutes, and told them that he needed to be watched because he was trying to get out of the bed.

When Mom came back from the car, Dad was surrounded by nurses and was bleeding. He had tried to get up from the bed to get to the bathroom and fallen. He had forgotten again that he couldn't get out of the bed. Mom was angry of course and knew she couldn't beat herself up about it. This has been hard for her having to be there taking care of him every second of the day. Sometimes when I come up at night she just looks like she is at her breaking point. Please keep her in your prayers, that she can be comforted, more relaxed and that she is doing everything she possibly can. She desperately needs strength and comfort right now.

Keep loving on her guys. :) I don't care if she gets mad that I wrote all this in here. Anyway, dad had a deep gash above his left eybrow. It required six stitches, and they are doing a CAT scan tonight to double check that the blow to his head didn't cause any further damage, and are going to xray and check on his hip.

All my love


Unknown said...

Betty I am so sorry that this has happened, especially today when he was going to move. We will be praying with you that there is no damage to Marks hips and head. Also praying for your continued strength and peace. Take care and God bless! Sallie, Scott & Noah

Janet Vincik said...

Wow, sounds as if there are nurses having to file a major incident report for letting Mark fall. I know keeping Mark restrained is not the ideal solution, but you would think after he pulled out the lines and his trach they would realize it was high priority to keep a close eye on him. Hopefully there will be some sort of disciplinary action taken by their bosses. (Years ago when I worked at the hospital, letting a patient fall was so major that it went all the way up the chain of command to the top man, plus the hospital attorneys were notified.)

Betty you are doing a fantastic job taking care of Mark and this was not your fault. The hospital is getting paid to take care of Mark and in my opinion they are doing a poor job -- sounds like the nurses are being too dependent on your being there and they are not doing their job.

I know y'all are definitely ready for him to forge ahead with his rehab. Hopefully the rehab facility will be more on top of things and do a better job taking care of Mark.

Betty I wish you could find some way to get some time for yourself to relax. Seven weeks of nonstop stress is not good. I know when you are away from Mark you also worry about how he is doing, so there is really no relief for you, plus you have to make all the healthcare decisions. Suggestions -Ask for volunteers to sit with Mark for a few hours or get a professional "sitter" to stay in his room.

Please remember to take care of yourself.

Love and a big long distance hug, Janet (Mark's cousin)
Mulberry Canyon/Abilene area

Sheryl Malek said...

Kuddos, Janet! You said so many things that I vented to Sallie about yesterday when I read this! I too was mortified that the nurses, even though Betty warned them she was stepping out, didn't take more precaution, especially like you said, since he's been trying to be his own doctor! I too feel like they are taking advantage of Betty's non-stop presence, even though she in no way should be responsible for his care in any other way than a loving wife's.

Betty, I agree with Janet that as hard as it is to get away, if you could steal just an hour here and there, it would help refresh you and keep you strong for Mark. Although, now you're probably more unlikely to do that after this last episode. But God sends angels when we need them, so I pray that yours is on the way! You are doing an amazing job! You are a very strong woman. It's awesome how we discover our strength when we're down.

Deep day at a time! Love, Sheryl