Wednesday, August 8, 2007

I'm walking on cloud 9......I could not be happier.....Please feel welcome to come visit.......remember that from 6:30 -8:00 am and pm the unit is closed. He in bed #9 SIMU Herman Hospital. Park in garage#4 off of McGregor Dr. garage is to the left after you pass the Houston Zoo (coming from 288). I love receiving all the cards. I think Mark was a little overwhelmed that they were all for him. We are still working on the scrap book of pictures...e-mails and copies of the blog , and will we will include all the cards also. Mark cannot have flowers or balloons yet, maybe when he get his own room. I think he also would like his own room so he could watch T. V. ......I teased him tonight about it.....all he has now is to watch all the pretty nurses!!!!

Today, I left the hospital to get Mark's X-rays from his Chiropractor, see if they can use them to compare his neck before the accident. If everything looks OK, they can remove the neck brace. Otherwise the will not remove it until the can do a MRI, and they cannot do that until they remove the pin from his traction, for his pelvic injury.

So until then we wait for his white blood count to come down!!!

Tonight, he drank water from a straw. Amazing, the things we take for granted.

Thank you, God for every breath we take. Bless us all. Betty


Sheryl Malek said...

Now that Mark is winking and blowing kisses, maybe you need to get him a male nurse!!!

Can you believe...not only did God spare Mark from what could have been a certain death, He preserved his personality so that when he "came back" to us he could speak with his actions, that would prove to his family that he was gonna be O.K. What a character!

Now we all need to stand in agreement that Mark's blood counts line up with the word of God, that they would return to normal so the doctor's can proceed and get on with surgery and therapy. We have a wedding to get him to!!!

I'm going to speak those things as if they were, so thank you, Jesus, for bringing Mark's WBC's down to a level that is acceptable to do this surgery. Thank you for all You've done and all You've yet to do! We are expecting great things! In Jesus' name, AMEN!!!

Love, Sheryl

Janet Vincik said...

Betty, Megan, Tiffaney, Breanna, Matt, Wayman and Sharon,

It is just wonderful to read and share the happiness and joy on the blog. Boy, was it long overdue!! I know there will still be a long road ahead with surgery and rehab, but y'all have made it through the toughest 4 weeks and you did it with dignity and with strength of character. I am so proud of each one of you. Hugs all around. Y'all are great!

If Mark wants to hear about the wildlife -- Let's see, a skunk wandered around last night and really perfumed the area (I know he'll be sorry he missed that); A whitetail doe and her twin fawns were at the feeder this morning. Last week my "mystery critter" (too small to be a bobcat, but too large to be a domestic cat with a bobbed tail)chased a squirrel around down at the barn. (Yes, it had squirrel for supper.) Yesterday afternoon 4 of the exotic deer were at the feeder, 2 bucks were locking horns, one had really tall horns and the other's horn were smaller, more like the whitetail deer. So that makes 3 different exotic bucks I have seen, the third one has an even larger rack.

Love, Janet (Mark's cousin)
Mulberry Canyon/Abilene area

the flipside said...

I am so happy for you and the joy you are able to express to us. I will continue to pray for Mark and your family. God will continue to answer our prayers in His time. Patience has never been one of my strong points, but I believe that it might be part of our lesson here, that and turning everything over to God, giving it all up to Him. To God give the glory. He is amazing. Love and prayers Sallie Keaton

Marsha said...

Betty, Megan, Tiffany, Brianna, Matt and family:
So good to hear postive things are happening for Mark. I'm so relieved for all of you. My thoughts and prayers are with you all as you travel this road no one wanted to take. Good things will happen throughout this ordeal that will make you go hmmmm...and its already made all of us more diligent in saying Thank You God!
and being more grateful for even the smallest things. I love all you guys. Please tell Mark I'm thinking of him.
Megan, thanks for keeping up the blog.

Love, Marsha

Sarah said...

Hey guys,
Next thing you know Marks going to be sitting up in bed, eating food, and asking for his margueritas. You know I didn't think I would ever be so excited to hear about a wink and a kiss!! People at work ask me everyday "How is Mark doing today, have you heard anything?" Which is amazing to me because no one knows who he is up here but they know what a wonderful man he is and how much he is loved. I give daily updates and have given some of them the blogs address and tell them what we need most is prayers!! They are slowing learning all the family members names and ask what has Megan or Betty written about in the blog today. It is so incredible!! All my love to everyone and May continue to bless you.

Sarah Jo and Nicolette (Marks cousins)