Sunday, December 30, 2007

Larger Family Now 12/30/07

Wow, what an event this wedding was. My wonderful wife did an excellent job putting all of this together. Matt's family were great teammates, too. The reception hall was so neatly decorated and the food was excellent, too. Betty did most of this part with some help. Matt's parents did a great job on the things they took charge of,too. They did an excellent job on the rehearsal dinner and took care of the beer and part of the wine for the wedding. This morning they bought all of these people breakfast, too. I knew Matt was a great kid but his ENTIRE family was great, too. I met some from New York that knew all about what I had gone through and they acted like they had known me for years. Others in Matt's family was from up north, too. A bigger family is usually a good thing to add but these were some of the greatest people I have ever met. They made us feel like we are part of their family and they are part of ours!
I had many family and friends there too. Lori (my cousin) came with her family from Brenham. It seemed like seeing her and Gary had been too long. Great as usual and their kids have grown into fine young adults! Also, Kelly and Michael came from the Denton area. She is great as usual and I have always been close with him. My parents were there and I think they enjoyed seeing the events very much. My brother and his family were all there, too. Jennifer and Jake played an important part of the wedding, too. Many friends were there and several other family members on Betty's side, too. Her sister and her husband were from Florida and there two girls (Marlies and Christine) that I met when they were young girls were here two. They both brought their daughters, too. Amanda (Marleis's daughter) has always had a special place in my heart as her mother did when she was that age and up. Christine's daughter is Ema and is much younger and has not gotten to this point yet. These two mothers were 11 and 9 or 12 and 10 when I first met them. The love we have today was very strong at first, too. They have always been special people to me!!!
The clean up of the hall was quite a deal. The party was over at midnight, but the clean up and moving of stuff went much longer. Many people were very helpful on this. My brother would not let me lift anything. I was trying to help out, but he was caring for my future. My best friend, Bruce, was helping, too. When they say best friends are for life, they knew how we would be over the years. Before long, my wife sent the old drunk helpless person to the hotel. Kelly and Michael drove me, little Matt and my Mother in Law there. It was about 1:15 or so and Betty showed up at the hotel about 4 in the morning. Our day today was a busy one too. All the sorting and unloading was another episode. Most of the stuff was stored at Betty's brother's house over night. We loaded my truck and little Matt and I went home to unload everything. Betty stayed at her brother's house and counted the linens and glasses and dished that were rented.
What a weekend! It was good to see all the friends and family members! I would like to thanks God for allowing me to be here for this! He, as usual, made my day and my life very special. If you need His help, talk to Him. He is a good listener and a good helper, too!
Mark 11/30/07

Friday, December 28, 2007

Friday, Dec 28 and all is good

We had a rehearsal for the wedding tonight and it went well. It is really going to be an exciting event! We had a nice dinner afterwards, too. Matt's parents did a great job putting all of this together. There were a lot of people there. They opened this up to immediate families that were in town. My parents and brother and his family were there along with one of Betty's brother and two sisters were there, too. One sister (her favorite one that is from Florida) had most of her family here, too. This sister (Margie) and Betty have always been close and are so much alike it's not funny. She has been with her husband for many years. This sister married a Bradley way before I knew Betty.
This was really great action on Matt's parents to open this up to these family members. Matt's family also had a lot of people there, too. His sister and her husband and several other family members, too. I think the world of Matt's sister and her husband is a great person, too. This is my first opportunity to meet his parents since I messed up our last opportunity with my accident. We were supposed to meet with them on the day that I fell and started this episode of pain and fear of life. The great part is they are all family to us now.
My pain is still hanging on but seems to be less intense. My back hurts me more now than is has in a while, but my incision is not as bad. There is still swelling there that itches most of the time and it hurts if someone bumps it, but we are only hoping the infection is getting better. I have to see my medicine doctor about this in a couple of weeks (Jan. 7, I think). Wonderful. Another blood test to find out how my level is doing. I still hate the needle used to take blood, but it is all for the better to find out how we are doing. Hopefully, they can get what they need in the first try.
I was able to walk Megan at rehearsal without a limp! Not only that God has kept me alive, but allows me this sort of pleasure, too. I am really hoping I can do this tomorrow with out shedding any tears, but don't bet any money on it. This is not a safe bet! My first born is just doing her part to make our family bigger! How am I suppose to handle this? Only God knows for sure!
May God be with you as you need him. He has changed my life and can help you if you ask Him for help.
I love you all.
Mark 12/28/07

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Dec 26 and all is going well

Well, the Christmas holiday came and went great. I tried real hard to stop taking any pain medicine starting yesterday but was in so much pain over it. I took some over the counter medicine last evening at Betty's brother's house because of the pain. In rehab this morning, Rod told me he could tell my pain and suggested that I keep taking the prescription Ibuprofen that the doctor gave me because of the pain I am in. I got home and took it. They worked me pretty good today, as usual.
My family all gets together tomorrow night. Jennifer (my niece) will be in town and it will be good to see her again. Jake and Allison will be here, too. We will not have much going on because Betty is focusing on wedding stuff right now. It will be a good time by all. We are really looking forward to this wedding, but most people are questioning the reception being for adults only. I guess some people just don't understand what this event is about or maybe that their kids are exceptions to this rule. Some people just don't understand all of the plans my wife has put into this event. There will be a very few kids there that are in the wedding OR very close and invited by the two getting married. We are not trying to hurt any feelings over it, but it is one of those important parts of the whole process.
It makes me feel good to hear the comments and concerns from so many people on my progress. I guess this is why God helped me still be here. My life was not over and He and I did not want it to end! My family and friends helped a lot on this, too. Just another opportunity for me to tell everyone how much I love you all.
May God be with you today and any upcoming times you need Him. Don't be afraid to talk to Him. He is the greatest!!!
Mark 12/26/07

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Merry Christmas to all 12/25

It is Christmas morning and we all doing great. My girls are all home for this wonderful holiday. We are all blessed with Christ's presence in our lives and really enjoying our time together. They girls found some old home made movies and are all enjoying watching each other from many years back. This one they are watching now had Breanna when she first learned to walk real good and then it went to see Brea in her first "acting" role. She was in first grade and she was great back then, too. Who would know how big a part this would play in her life many years later? She really got into the drama scene in high school and ALWAYS enjoyed it. It is so good to see these old films and great memories it brings back. It was good to see the girls all from this far back. The one that they are watching had Megan and Tiffaney walking around in New Orleans with Breanna trying to keep up. Megan got a DVD recorder for a Christmas gift and is going to put these films on DVDs. There are so many films for them to watch. Every one is laughing and commenting about their actions back then.
I went to work yesterday and had a great day there. I got to see a lot of people from my past and enjoyed my time there. I had many people asking about my accident and what I went through. It makes me feel good to have so many friends that kept up with me and my progress. My pain is doing OK today, but I am feeling a little pain from my broken tailbone. My wound is doing better but still hurts me if have to get something off the ground or lift much weight. God is sending me in the right direction to fully heal up. There is only 4 days left until our big event takes us into our next step in life. We are all SO excited about this event. I am so glad I will be well enough to walk Megan down the aisle at HER wedding.
Life is great to us all. I have said a prayer for the Keaton family today. They are fighting the flu right now. They deserve God's help to get over all of this. I wish you all the well that is possible. Good luck with it. The flu is never much fun!
May God be with each of you today and help us all celebrate the reason for this holiday season. Christ's birthday is the reason for all of this quality time together with family and friends. Enjoy each other and cherish your time together. That is what makes this time so great.
Love you all so much!
Mark 12/25/07

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Sunday, Dec 23 and extremely happy

Now I have a good question for you to think about and respond to if you want. What does the statement of "being the luckiest guy in the world" mean to each of you? That is me!!! There are so many things for me that are going well. I have the most wonderful person in the world taking care of me EVERY day. How could I have known 26 years ago that I had met this person? Only God could help me in this way!!! We have three wonderful daughters together that are all special to me in their own way. It amazes me to see the wonderful women they have grown into. Again, God's help on raising these girls has been great, as usual. If the three of them was not enough, we were also blessed with Matt, too. At 11, we still have a lot of work ahead of us, but God will help us make him a pretty good guy to have around, too.
I get told every day that I am SO LUCKY to have lived through this accident. Again, God was on my side to make sure I was here for it all. I know there were nearly 2 months of my life where they were not sure I would make it or not. That wonderful wife of mine and God pulled me through all of this. I also know my girls all did their part to help me, too, even though this was hard for all. Reading about all of this first part makes me shiver. I know this was hard on all people that were involved. I do not remember any of this first part because I was in God's hands and He was protecting me DAILY. I can only imagine I was not the best patient in the hospital, but the nurses all said I was a great patient. Enough sweet talk to them and someone would help me sneak out. This is the crazy part of me talking there. All I know is that I just wanted out. I tried one time. They left me alone once while Betty was running some errands and I figured out this was my chance to go. A nice little scar on my head proves I was not all there! When Betty returned, she found me on the floor in a pool of blood, passed out from the fall. I thought I had this escape figured out but God made sure I stayed where I needed to be. After that, the hospital put me in a bed surrounded in net. I could see the zipper holding it together, but could not reach it. Again, God was the one in control of my life and I could not be more thankful for it.
I hear stories from many friends and family members that tell me how bad I was looking, but that they were all glad I was still alive! This has been a tough six and a half month run for me and I am not all well over it yet, but I am still following God's plan to get better. I have the opportunity to spend a nice Christmas with my family and then get to WALK my daughter done the aisle for her wedding. I know there will be many people there that I have not seen in a while and many more that have said they wish they could, but can't. I do understand all of this and God has helped me to accept this. The event is going to be a nice time for all of those that can make it and we are all looking towards this happy moment. I can only hope this marriage is as good for Megan and Matt as it has been for Betty and I.
I am feeling OK this morning but still have some pain. It is hard to explain to anyone just how bad I feel and can still feel happy about it. This does not click with some people but I think most understand where I am in life. Now, back to my original question. How can anyone understand that I am not the lucky guy in the world right now? I can walk with a slight limp and breathe my own air without help. I think the term "luckiest" may be an understatement for me right now. There is too many people in this world, both here and in many other places pulling for me. I hope you all understand how important you are in my life. It does not matter who you are or what kinship you are to me. I have people that are cousins pulling for me. I have people that are in Betty's family pulling too. (Yes, these are members of MY family, too). I have so many people here in town pulling for me and people that are friends of friends or family pulling, too. I have met so many people that I did not even know before this accident that are pulling me through this, too.
I know this accident make me long winded, but you just have to understand how important life is to me now. If you read all of this, you are a special person to me. If you only read half, you are still special to me. If you just think and pray for me, you are up special to me, too. You must understand, I Love You ALL so much. You have been an important part of my life and I am so glad you cared enough for me to help me work through this.
On my last note, I want to wish all of you a Very Merry Christmas. Please think about why we all have this Holiday. Jesus was born on this day and we all have to remember, He is the reason for all of this special time. Don't be afraid to thank Him for all of your happy times and ask Him for help if you need it. It really does work!!! I am still here because of His help towards me!
Love to all,
Mark 12/23/07

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Saturday, Dec 22 and all is OK

Well, time is just going by getting close to the wedding. We have a wonderful celebration come up soon to celebrate the birth of Jesus. My family will have a wonderful time on Monday night and again on Tuesday morning. We will meet with my brother & his family and my parents on Thursday night once Jennifer gets to town. Then we have a rehearsal event on Friday night getting ready for the big event on Saturday. We are all getting so excited for this event.
I am doing OK as of now. I am still sore from everything and seem to be walking with a slight limp, but it will be OK. I get to go back to work on Monday and got a phone call on Friday telling me this was good to go forward with. Rehab worked me out pretty good on Friday but that is how this is supposed to work. They are doing their job to make sure I can do all that is necessary on my end. No pain, no gain!
I had two more replies from my last entry. One was from Sallie and Scott Keaton again giving me some words of encouragement and some support to Betty for all she has done for me. The other one was from Sheryl, another dear friend I met through Matt's Cub Scouts. She was always a dear friend to me and her support through all of this has been great. She can't make it to Megan's wedding but has a neat poem for me. This means the world to me. She is another one of those people that is in my life because God wanted me to know her. She has always been this kind of person! She always lifts me up, as do the Keaton family. I am so lucky to have people in my life that are this way! Family and friends make every day special. I am just so lucky to have people like this around me!
God has saved me and is putting SPECIAL people in my life that help me in so many ways. God will help you too if you need His help and ask Him for it. I would like to thank everyone that reads this note and tell you all how much I love you! I am still here because there were so many people saying prayers for me in so many places. Your efforts towards me have made me a different person. I have feelings today that I did not have before because of all of this. Thanks again to all of you!!!
Mark 12/22/07

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Wednesday night and all is great!!! 12/19/07

I knew people still read my words of thought but it really makes my day to see replies. Two of these are from family members (cousins are a great thing to have and I love them all so much). Jo offered many kind words as usual. I am sorry you will not be at the wedding, but you won't see how bad my dancing really is. I am sure someone will tell the truth on me... Another note came from Janet. More kind words here, too. I know you will be working that weekend so you won't see my dance either. Another one that can't talk about it at the reunion. I am sure someone with tell you about it, though! The third reply was from some special friends (the Keaton family) here in town. The notes they send are always good to read and always lift me up in this time. I knew people read these notes but seeing replies is special for me. My last three notes I put in did not have any replies on them and one on the fourth one. I am not mad at anyone over any of this at all. I know people read my words and feel good for me to be getting better and STILL breathing!
As far as work goes, I return on Monday. Our plant has a rule that you can't go from sick time straight to vacation without coming in for work at least one day. This is a good rule to have and I don't mind it a bit. My boss told me that Monday may be a short day because it is Christmas eve. I don't care if I have to work all day, just that I get to come back. My vacation days will start after Christmas day and go until I run out of days. These were scheduled in October and November but I was not there to use them so they carried on until I could use them. Our department had their yearly lunch today and I went. It was good to see all of my friends again. It made me feel good and I got a lot of well wishes from many people. Many of these people were excited to see me, too. I got many hugs from so many people. It really makes me feel good to have people remember me and realize what I went through and understand how lucky I am to still be alive. God took good care of me and made sure I was here for all the times I have coming. I thank Him a lot for this gift.
I went to rehab this morning, and as usual, they worked me pretty hard so I can get better. That is part of the reason I still go there because they want me better just as much as I do!
May God be there for you if you need His help. All you have to do is understand Him and talk to him. He made a lot of changes in my life and I am very proud of these changes.
Thanks to all of you that read this and it makes me feel good to know how many people really care for me in this way. Thanks to all that helped me in prayers and good thoughts. It will always mean so much to me EVERY DAY!!!
Love to you all,
Mark 12/19/07

Wednesday, Dec 19 and all is good

Well, Wednesday Dec. 19 is upon us and all is going OK. I am in a lot of pain in my back this morning but you get used to it after a while. I went to see my plastic surgeon yesterday and he was pleased with what he saw and took my stitches out. He said I was good to go back to work but would not issue me a slip for it because it needs to come from my main doctor, which is Dr. Dickson. Last time I saw Dr. Dickson, he told me that my return to work would come from this plastic surgeon. Left says right and right says left... I went by Dr. Dickson's office and he is out until Friday but they gave me a number to one of his workers. I talked to her yesterday and she said she would take care of this but it has not arrived, yet. I talked to my boss yesterday and told him what was going on. He said it would all be OK and would work out with no problem. Our company has a rule that you can't go from sick leave straight to vacation so I will have to go to work on Monday to start everything in the right direction. Being away for a week or two is OK, but when it turns into 6 or 7 months, it is rougher. I am so glad that I still have a job to go back to and they want me back, too. Working in a chair will be hard for a while with my broken tailbone, but it will work out just fine with time.
I have rehab this morning and if, as usual, they work me right, I will be sore over it. I guess that is why I like this place. I have a wedding to walk at in less than two weeks!!! The highlight of all is to see one of your children get married and to get to participate in it, too. Megan wants me to walk her down the isle AND dance with her. I can't dance good on any day, but I will give it my best!!!
Love to all of you that read this and may God be with you. He saved my life and I will ALWAYS remember this. If you need his help, all you need to do is talk to Him and ask Him for help.
Have a lot of people coming in town for the wedding. Many of these people I have not seen in a while and am really looking forward to it. My brother's daughter (my niece) is coming from up north and two nieces on Betty's side are coming from Florida. I am excited about all of this.
Great news! I just heard from my boss and they finally got my return to work! Looks like I get to work on Monday! This is exciting to me!!!
Love you all,
Mark 12/19/07

Sunday, December 16, 2007

Sunday, Dec 16 and doing OK

Well, today is Sunday and I am still alive and in pain. My stomach hurts when I move. The doctor said that there is nothing they did to cause this even though it started a few days after my surgery. I need to go see an indigestion doctor to find out what the problem is. Also found out yesterday that my insurance is not paying much towards my rehab bill. Betty will call the insurance people tomorrow to find out what is going on. I guess I will have to stop using rehab because I can't afford to pay for it right now. Between our part of medical bills and all of these ambulance services that charge out the nose, we don't need MORE added to it. It looks like I owe over $200 for last month (November). It looks like I will be doing my own rehab unless Betty can get somewhere with this issue. This is a sad situation because the rehab people are doing a lot towards me getting better. I am sore every time I leave there, but that is a good sore. I just hope I can do it here without going too far with it. I will try to follow with what they had me doing. That is the only way this will work out for the best. I go back to see the skin doctor on Tuesday. I am hoping he will pull out these stitches and allow me to return for work soon.
Tiff walked on Friday for her Graduation. It was really a neat feeling for us. Breanna took off today for a week in Colorado for skiing and other fun stuff. She will be staying with a very good friend of ours while she is there. And to top all of this off, we are now thirteen days away from Megan's wedding. This is a busy month for us, but with Betty in charge of it all, it will go just fine.
All is going well for us right now. I am walking better than I was a week ago. I still have a slight limp but it may be there for a while or maybe forever. My main doctor said it will go away, but only time will tell.
May God be with you today if you need him to be. He came through for me and will for you if you ask Him for help. Don't be afraid to ask Him for help if you need it.
Love to you all,
Mark 12/16/07

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Tuesday, Dec 11 and all is moving right...

I am doing OK as of now. I am still in pain from my surgery. The plastic surgeon took out the staples but left the stitches this morning. I asked about being released for work and he said I need to be healed more before he can do anything. I see him again next Tuesday. I see my regular doctor on Friday morning before we go to San Marcos. Hopefully, he can answer some questions about my stomach pains. I am hoping my surgery moved everything inside too much and that is why I am sore and that there is not a problem other than this. This pain is bothersome every time I move.
I started my physical therapy today. They worked me pretty good and in the right direction for me. The doctor gave approval for me to start this. They are aware of where I am and where I am heading. I have a wedding coming in a few weeks that I have to walk Megan down the aisle. I am so excited about being able to do this. I was afraid a while back that this would be a problem but my hard-headedness and determination will make this happen. We also have Tiffaney's graduation to watch on Friday. Life is full of joys for me right now!
Thanks to all of you that read this update and know that I am slowly getting better. God is a great gift for us all. He is leading me just where I need to be going. He will be with you too if you ask him for help.
Love to all of you,
Mark 12/11/07

Monday, December 10, 2007

Monday, Dec 10 and all is good

Well, my pain is slowly fading back. I still hurt with certain movements, but a lot better than it was last week. I went to start my physical therapy today, but they can't take me back without approval from the doctor. I called the doctor last week and never got a call back and the therapist sent him a FAX this morning and have not heard anything either. Having a great doctor is two sided. You get the best for treatment but too busy for the extra stuff. It will probably be February before I get something saying I could start this week. My therapist is just being protective of my future. I can't be mad for someone looking out for me!
My next doctors appointment is tomorrow for the plastic surgeon. Today, the doctor I saw was for "internal medicine". He is great one to see for this. He explains everything in detail and is great to deal with. He was a little concerned about one of my levels he saw on a blood test but was concerned that my surgery may have caused it to look high. Another blood test today to tell him where I am and which way I need to go. He told me to stay on the anti-biotics until we know for sure. This test today will tell him if the current medicine is working or needs to changed out. The plastic surgeon I see tomorrow is good, too, but he has an accent and I can't understand everything he says. He is another one of the good ones that knows how to take care of his patients. I think the infection is under control or he would not have closed me up so fast. I am sure he is not ready to take out my stitches, but I can hope he is ready. I will know tomorrow for sure. I will also ask him while I am there about when I can return to work. He or my main doctor will make a decision on this soon. Most people want time off of work, but after six months off, I just want to go back.
I think this is enough for today. May God be with you if you need him. He is willing to help you if He is asked. He was a major part of me still being here. His actions and those doctors and nurses he put on me to make everything right, went well. If they were doing something questionable, my dear wife was there to help them fix it. Four days left until Tiffaney's graduation and 19 days until Megan's wedding. These are part of life's reasons why God left me here. I could not miss these things! I know there are more things in my future that I don't know about, yet, too.
I would like to say thank you to all of our friends that came by last weekend and a special thanks to Bruce Walters for the special gift he presented to me. Best friends are special friends to have. If you have one, let them know just how special they are in your life!
Love to you all,
Mark 12/10/07

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Sunday. Dec 9 and all is Good

Well, our yearly party came and went well last night. We had a smaller than usual turn out, but with all we have had going this year, it was about what we expected. Many invitations went out last minute, so it is understandable. I got to see many people that I have not seen in a while and a few that were expected, never came. Do I feel any less because they did not come? No way. I feel bad to not see them, but this is one of those things you just take and move on. There were only three people from my work here and that is understandable, too. Many good friends came to see us and the girls all had friends here, too. Several people in that group I do not see much of anymore, but it was sure good to see them all. Thanks to all that did come to see us. It was appreciated greatly!
I am feeling OK this morning. I know my daily pain is getting better, but I am still sore and get tired pretty easily, too. I am hoping the doctor has good news for me tomorrow. It seems like I am moving along. I go back to see the main doctor the following week. One of them has to tell me where this journey is taking me and what my progress is looking like. The one that filled my hole is tomorrow and the one that took the metal out is next week.
Betty worked her butt off trying to get ready for last night and everything was great. I know for the past four days she worked on all of these details. Now this party is gone, the wedding will be moved up the list of things to do first. That is the way she is. She is a dedicated person to the project at hand. Tiffaney's graduation will be this Friday. A quick trip to San Marcos for that event. We are so excited about it. Somewhere in all of this, there is Christmas shopping to do, too. We are going to be one of the ones getting all of this done last minute! Too many other irons on this fire!!!

Saturday, December 8, 2007

Saturday, Dec. 8 and all is Good

I guess you have to notice things around you better than I do. I was never very good at that, but now I am probably worse. I woke up this morning and I did notice that my pain is getting better or I have learned to tolerate it better. I think I is just getting less! I still have problems getting comfortable when I sit and I tired too quickly if I don't sit. My body has a long ways to go to get back to where it was, but don't give up on me. I am determined to do this over time!
Tonight is our adult Christmas party that we have every year. We started to not have it but we enjoy it so much seeing all of our family and friends from many times. We see people from present to past. Some of these people we only see this time of year and that is OK, too. They are still in our lives! This wife of mine has been busy for days getting everything just right for this. We will have a good time but she will be SO tired. I usually try to help but I am not much help this year. I try but a lot of the things I usually do, I can't do. Just wait my dear, I am coming back and will make your effort to keep me alive well worth it! Next week, we have Tiffaney's graduation. Another child of mine graduating from college. This is a great thing for us but more things to do to get ready for it. We are only weeks away from Megan's wedding, too. Betty will put so much time and effort in to this to make it all flow so well. I do not know where this woman gets so many minutes into every day. She is just one of those people.
So as you can all tell, it is busy around here, but it is also so well organized and planned to fall certain ways. I just thank you all for being there for us as we have had a difficult time this year but will come back like we should. I love everyone who reads this! May God be there for you as He has been for me.
Mark 12/8/07

Friday, December 7, 2007

Friday, Dec. 7 and all is OK

Another day is upon us and I am still here, alive and kicking. My pain is still here but after a while, you just get used to it. I get a little strong with my comments with my new condition upon me. My mind gets going and before you know it, it's all written down. I hope I did not make anybody upset with my "inside" comments I made yesterday. I did not want people to think that because I have not heard much from them that I did not like them. That was not my intention at all. I know people have their own lives to keep them busy and just keeping me in their thoughts is great. I don't have to hear from you, as long as God does. I sometimes get caught in my own little world. I am sorry I act like that, but it did open my e-mails up.
Love you all and thanks for pulling for me, today and yesterday.
May God be with you as he is needed. All you have to do is ask Him to help and He will.
Thanks to all,
Mark 11/7/07

Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thursday, Dec 6 and all is good

It is so good to be home again. I have had two nights now sleeping in my own bed and it is great. I am doing OK now, walking with a limp on my right side. My pain is still there and HOPEFULLY will start dissappearing soon. I am only hopeful that this last surgery will do that for me. I got a note from Megan that one of my cousins, Shellie, was trying to post on this site and could not get it to work right. Megan sent me the note. It is good to hear the comments she made towards my recovery. It is always nice to hear that people are behind you! It is always a positive. Thanks Shellie for keeping up with me and my progress. It always makes me feel better to hear from everybody. I get messages from family on both sides and that is wonderful to me. I was told yesterday in an e-mail that is it sad that I had to go through something like this accident to wake people up as to what is important in life. As sad as it sounds, it is a true touch to your feelings. But, accident or not, family is family and always mean the world to each of us. You love each of them as a part of you because they are a part of you. That is what makes families so important in our lives. The sad part is, you really find the depth of friendship in your friends. Some people I always considered a friend have really stepped up during this crisis and others that I thought were real close have just disappeared. I know a lot of people that throw in verbal sayings and that always mean so much. And others don't express themselves so well, but mean well. I understand this, too. I am one of those types of people in a lot of ways. This accident makes you learn a lot of things about people in general. It also makes you realize what is important in life. Family is family and they mean the world to each of us. We are not always as close as we could be because of distance, time and other matters, but they are still family and you always have love in your heart for them. And friends are friends and always will be friends. It is just you can learn a lot about them during a time like I had. It is God's way of teaching us what is important in life. He has taught me so much and I thank Him for holding my hand through all of this, to help me heal and be there for others. I hope I never know anyone who has to go through what I went through or what it put my family and friends through. It is sure a hard way to learn what is important.
Sorry I got so wordy this morning, but this situation has made me that way.
I love each of you for who you are and what you are to me.
If anyone needs it, Betty's e-mail is "" and I read notes that are sent to it for me or about me. They always mean so much!
God will be there for you, as he has been there for me, if you ask Him for his help. He helps me in so many ways to become the person I am. I am still here for all of you to talk with anytime. Love to all of you!!!
Mark 12/6/07

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

Tuesday, Dec 4 and Mark is home!!!

My trip of the hospital is over AGAIN. Surgery went longer than expected, but that is OK if they got all of my infections out before closing. I am in a lot my pain now that I was in before but they took a big piece of metal out of me. This took a big hole to do and I will survive this too. The doctor told me I would be in on Monday and out on Tuesday but he never thought about the doctor that had to fill in this hole. This doctor had to make sure the infection was cleared out. As long as this was done, I am going to be OK. I will suffer a little more pain to get better. They will let me know how I am doing overall next week at my doctor's appointment.
I had some visitors come see me while I was at the hospital. My nephew, Jake, came and stayed for a few hours and my parents came early in the week and contacted by phone after that to make sure all was going well. Two guys from my Dutch oven group came by on Friday and it was a good surprise to see them there. I was waiting on surgery call and looked and they were there (Jerry and Jerry). Thanks to ALL of you that came. My family all took their turn to see me, too. That makes everything better!!! Plus my 2nd cousin, Sara, came from Dallas and spent Saturday with me with her daughter, Nicolette. It was good to see them again, too. I also had several good friends take the time and call me, too. It means so much to know that so many people care about how I am.
There were several replies to Betty's input that meant a lot to me. Sallie sent one in from her family. They are always keeping us in their hearts and that means so much to me. Jenn also sent me one. I am SO LOOKING FORWARD to seeing you later this month. I am sorry I was in such bad shape last time you were here, but thanks for coming when you did. I don't remember seeing you but to know you were here, still means a lot to me. Three special cousins also replied! This means they are still looking out for me. Debra Jo sent a lot of special words to me and Betty, showing that she still is pulling for me. Karen also sent a lot of words to say that I will be OK and to keep pushing myself. She also gives a lot of good words to my wonderful wife, too. Then, Janet had to add to wonderful thoughts for us all, too. She seem to understand what Betty is going through with me. I know this is not an easy thing to deal with me like this, but this wonderful woman just keeps on going. I am sure thankful I have her on my side through all of this. She keeps my head on straight and moves me in the right direction to get better. Without her, my reason for being here would be lost. She is the most important thing in the world to me and I need to tell her that MORE often.
Well, December is finally here and what an exciting month this is around here. We have our Christmas party this weekend. It starts at 7PM for adults only. Then, about a week later, we have Tiffaney's graduation. I think it is Friday the 15th. Then we have the BIG HOLIDAY and then less than a week later, Megan is getting married. I have to be walking good by then and have to dance with her, too. Watch a month around here!!! My wife is trying her best to stay on top of it all, but this will really be a test for her. If this weren't enough, I had to be sick during this time, too. I am hoping the doctor will let me go back to work soon, but only time will tell on this!!!
My God be with you all and ask him for His help if you need it. He has been there for me so many times that I know He will help you too if asked. I love you all and sorry I get so wordy. I just have so much to say to everyone!
Love you, Mark

Sunday, December 2, 2007


Mark had surgery on Friday as planned. It did not come until 4:30 PM. All day without eating.....the morphine was the only thing keeping him company!!!! I went to decorating the hall, at the place where Megan's wedding will be held in 20+ day's. One less thing on my plate!!!! Mark's surgery went as planned. They reattached his muscle and what little fat he has on his hiney and then used staples to join all the skin together. Then put a little temporary blood vacuum inside the wound that will come out Monday. If everything looks good on Monday he will be able to come home. I'm sure they will give him something to replace the morphine since he has become quite fond of it. At least he was able to move a little more today than yesterday. Progress,one day at a time. Matt is a district play off soccer tournament this weekend and Mark sure wanted to attend, so I went to 2 games today (missing 1) to pick up our wonderful friends Ian & Liz from Scotland (Andrew's parents)at Hobby Airport and transport them to the other airport. Andrew is the soccer trainer for Crosby that lived with us the last two years that we have kinda adopted. He was very helpful with Matt, when school started and Mark was still in the Hospital. Tomorrow, one more game in Sugarland. (1 tie, 2 losses- still proud that they made it to district). I helped Mark get ready for bed tonight- he has no patience, he was washing his hair in the sink when I got there......It really make you appreciate a good old shower when you can not take one!!!! I got home about midnight....This Thanksgiving meant so much to me. I am so blessed. I had all my wonderful family Mark's parents and Andrew(this was his first Thanksgiving)at the house and the girls all helped cook. I usually don't say the blessing, but I had so much to be Thankful for. The kid's argued, Mark had to get on to Matt, Tiff's turtle walking around the house, all the dogs. The simplest things, I enjoyed just watching, my family. I wasn't stressed trying to keep every thing hot, or worried about my cooking not coming out right. Because, I know, that God has blessed us, and what is important in life. As we all start the Holiday season.....take time to count our blessing and remember to tell your family and friends how much they mean to you. Just, as I am right now. Thank you, ALL for being here for me and my family.....for Mark. We sure are blessed!!!!

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Hospital Update

Mark did not go into surgery until 2:30 on Monday. He was admitted into room 506 Jones pavilion Memorial Herman Hospital. 713-704-8506. We thought that it was going to be just the one night. The orthopedic surgeon said it would be one night. The plastic surgeon had his own agenda. Today (Wednesday) they went in and re cleaned the wound and the skin around it. This took about 4 hours total and must be pretty painful. Mark is back on know how I feel about that. Hopefully,he won't get too messed up on it and won't remember stuff and make phone calls at all hours of the night!!!!! Friday, they will either go back in and clean it out again or start the repair job. Depending on what it looks like. So, I guess he will not get out of the Hospital until Monday or Tuesday of next week. Mark is in good spirts but is totally board. Me, I feel as though I am reliving August....going back and forth to the Hospital and trying to work and be a mom to Matt. Thank goodness we still have friends that are praying for us and help us get thru this. Pray that Mark can leave the hospital with NO wound Vac and NO I.V antibiotics..... They are really concerned about infection. Hopefully,this hospital stay will be the last. Love to all. Betty

Monday, November 26, 2007

Nov 26 is FINELY here...

This is early in the morning and we are fixing to go to the hospital. Today, we will be in for my surgery this morning. I will not have access to a computer today, so Betty or Megan will update with some text and let you know how it went. Say a prayer for me so everything goes well. God and I talked about this yesterday and will talk again this morning.
Love you all so much.
Mark 11/26/07 4:20AM

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Saturday, Nov 24 and all moving right

Well, we had a good Thanksgiving around here. The girls all came home for the holiday plus my parents were here, too. We had a great time!! It is good to see all of these people together. It makes the holiday well worth all the effort put together by all.
We had to get all the Christmas decorations down yesterday so Betty could start putting things around the house. We knew this needed to be done before my surgery on Monday. Shane was here and provided a great big help. He handed everything down from the attic in the garage and Betty put it were it could sit until ready to bring inside. I tried to help some, but I am not much help right now. This is one of those things that drives me crazy, watching people do the stuff I USUALLY do. I moved some of this stuff and can tell it today. Shane had a million things to do around his house but this is typical of him. That is the kind of friend that I need! It was funny to hear him say the things I usually say about the amount of Christmas stuff we have. My wife does not decorate our house like most people do. She has stuff all over the house. I am used to it by now, but have really come to love the way she does it. I think we have as many trees in our house as all of the neighbors together. That is just the way it is around here!!!
Betty told me that my brother-in-law, Herb, is home from the hospital and is on quite a bit on medicines right now. He is one of those people in this world that has a hard time dealing with times like this, which puts more pressure on his family. I know what he is going through right now. I put my wife and kids through this, too. It is a hard thing to deal with, especially at this time of your illness. You want things to be right, but no matter how hard you try, they are not like you want them. It is hard to adjust to this change. Herb, my prayers are with you right now and I hope you get better. You are one of those people that deserves this!!!
Well, I will close for now and hope you talk to God today. He will help you out where needed. Don't be afraid to ask Him for help!!! I love you all so much!!!
Mark 11/24/07

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving, 11/22

Sometimes, I feel like I am wasting time putting stuff in here about how I am doing and then I look back as see some comments added that make me feel so good. Yes, another day goes by without a headache and I have pains throughout my body that come and go, but this is part of life. I am so lucky to just be here! Rehab is going well, but is off the schedule for next week. Once I get back up, I be there bothering them again!!!
Looking at the responses from yesterday really makes me think about my life. I know I am SO FORTUNATE to just be alive AND walking with a slight limp. One of these comments is from Sallie. Her and her family are one of my inspirations. Their prayers are always there and always good for me. I know her and her family support what my family and I went through. I know this time was hard on me, but I think my family and friends suffered just as much, if not more. I slept through most of the bad parts where they had to worry about whether I'd be here tomorrow. This was tough on everyone! It just means so much to hear it every time and from everyone. Thanks from the bottom of my heart. It means so much to me. As far as I have heard, they moved Herb into rehab, but I haven't heard anything lately. I will check on him and let you know something soon.
The second note was a real uplift for me too. It was from Becky. They live right behind us and are special people. She is one of those people that lifts you up with her thoughts and prayers. Just knowing that she follows my progress like this really makes my day better. Thanks for your thoughts and concerns for me. It means so much to me.
I would like to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving holiday. Take the time to hug all those people that are in your life. It is an important step in life to show those you love that you do love them. Please take the time today to talk to God. He is in your life and will help you when he is needed. He is the reason I am still here! The inspirations all of my friends and family give me are so uplifting.
I will be taking a slight road backwards next week with my surgery (Monday), but as Paul told me earlier this week, I am too hard headed to let this take me back without responding positively. This may sound bad in a way but it was not meant that way. I knew what he meant and took it as a compliment! Friends do this for you. Say something in one of those ways that uplifts you in a good way.
Thanks to all of you and sorry this got so long. I can only blame all of you for keeping me alive to write like this. Again, THANK YOU for everything you have help me realize was important. It means a lot to ME! I Love You ALL So Much!
Mark 11/22/07

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tuesday, Nov 20 and moving along

Well, we went to the doctor this morning. He is still concerned with the infection in my sore. He said he will not know more until the metal is out and he can see it better on the inside. He told me last visit that he could fix my tailbone issues, but this time he says there is nothing he can do to it. Sometimes I wish they would listen to themselves talk. I guess I will have this sore, broken tailbone with me a while. He also said the anti-biotic may be around for a while, depending on the infection status. This doctor was so busy today. His office was nearly empty last time we were there, but today was much different. We had a 9:45AM appointment, arrived at 9:30AM and saw the doctor close to 10:30AM. All the chairs in his waiting room were full and more people outside in the hallway. He is one of the good ones, but this is a little too much to deal with every time. I guess we will see how it looks next time we go see him after the surgery.
May God be there for you today if you need him. He is very helpful for those that ask him for assistance.
Love you all,
Mark 11/20/07

Monday, November 19, 2007

Monday, Nov 19 and all is good!!!

It is Monday night, Nov. 19. All is good around here. Another night without a headache or Imitrex. This was a good sign again. There was no doctor's appointment today. I found out on Sunday that it is for Tuesday. We are going there tomorrow for that. Hopefully we can get some information that is helpful.
Rehab went well today. They worked me pretty hard and I left tired, but that is great. While I was at Matt's soccer practice, I walked a lap around the park with Tiffaney. It was another good turn for the day! I can get tired and feel good about it. This tells me a am moving in the right direction!!!
May God be with you anywhere you need his help. He saved me and will do the same for you. Don't be afraid to ask for His help if needed!
Love you all.
Mark 11/19/07

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Saturday. Nov 17 and all going well

Another night without a headache. This is 15 days now and about 7 days since I took any Imitrex. Life is great! This is good news for me!
I woke up in a little bit of pain again today, but that is normal for me. I only have 9 days left until my surgery is scheduled. I get to see the skin specialist on Monday to evaluate my infection. Hopefully, it is getting better and he can close easily. I am hoping to get back to work sometime soon! That is a great thing!
My rehab is going OK. Friday they worked me out pretty good. We did some leg and arm workouts. Hurts doing some of them, but progress is coming my way. LOOK OUT!
I plan on doing something productive around here today. Betty was working in the garage for the wedding. I tried to help, but am more in the way I think. I am going to ride my bike around the neighborhood and maybe some exercising of some sort. Only time will tell what happens next!!!
I love all of you that take time to read this. It means the world to me to know who you friends really are. My God be in your corner today if you need him. He is a great thing to have on your side!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to all of you. If you have to go anywhere, please BE CAREFUL.
Mark 11/17/07

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Wednesday, Nov 14 and all is great

It is Wednesday and all is good. I had another two nights go by with out any Imitrex or headache. This is a good thing for me! My back is a little sore this morning, but I am doing OK getting out of bed. I am staying up later and getting up earlier which will help with my overnight soreness. We worked out good yesterday at rehab. I always feel good when I leave there so we must be moving right. I get a good work out without going too far. That is always good! I have another rehab work out today. I had to move Monday's work out to Tuesday because of my doctor's appointment on Monday.
I had lunch yesterday with a group of people from work. Many of these people have not seen me in a while and it was good to see them again. It is always good to know that they miss me and want me back out there. I can't wait for that to happen. We'll just have to see how my surgery goes in 11 days.
Everyone have a good Thanksgiving week. Be sure to tell all of your family how important they are to you. That is important information to know. It meant a lot for me to hear this so many times.
All have a great day and allow God to help you anywhere you need assistance. His support and assistance is great to have.
Love, Mark 11/14/07

Monday, November 12, 2007

Monday, Nov 12 and all is great

It is Monday and all is well. Another night goes by with out a headache or Imitrex. That is a great thing! I rode my bicycle yesterday around a little bit of the neighborhood and have no problems! Yes, I rode it with out training wheels. That is good, too.
My doctor's appointment went OK this morning. This was with the internal medicine doctor. My appointment with the skin surgeon is next Monday. This doctor seems content with the progress I am making. He re-newed my antibiotics for another month. He is curious how much metal will be removed during my surgery, as it was not in his notes. I think it is just the piece in my back and the pieces on my front will be left since there is no infection around them. I also had to go down and have a blood test done so he could monitor how my infection is doing. Hopefully, all is going right with it.
Enough news for today! I am still feeling pain in my back, but this will be OK for now. I love you all. May God be with you as needed. Take care.
Mark 11/12/07

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Sunday, Nov 11. An update of progress

Well, Sunday is here and all is well. I went to bed last night WITHOUT taking my Imitrex for a headache to see how things would do. I did not sleep real good, but made it through the night without getting a headache. This is great news for me. I woke up still and sore, but I am starting to get used to this feeling. I am not sure if rehab exercises started any of this or it's just my body adjusting to this new life style. I am not sure which way to go with myself. Friday, they did not do much in rehab except heat and stretching muscles, so I can't see how this did that much towards the pain.
I get all kinds of notes from people. This is always good. I heard from many people that tell me I am doing good, but my body tells me different. I ran into a guy from work on Friday night and it was good to see him. Then, I get all kinds of notes sent to me. I am still here and still trying to make progress toward where I need to be. It seems like the progress is slower than what I want, but I knew that would happen. My family and friends seem to be supportive on where I am and the direction I am going, so this is a good feeling to have. I need to be thankful for the things that are most important. I am alive and well, moving in the direction of where I need my body to be in. I will just have to learn to be patient will the slow progress I am making and take advantage of the little steps that I am taking. Hopefully, the plastic surgeon will give some news tomorrow that will be good to hear. My surgery to remove this metal plate in my back will be two weeks away come tomorrow. I am really looking forward to this move and hope to be ready when it finally gets here.
I appreciate everyone that takes time to read my notes about my progress and to those that say a prayer for me because those make a big difference in my life! I love you all so very much.
Mark 11/11/07

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Saturday, Nov 10 and all is good

It is Saturday morning and all is well. Another Imetrex night with no headache. I woke up this morning sore as usual, but I am alive and well. I am down to two weeks and two days before this plate is removed from my back. My pain seems to be worse now than it was a few weeks ago, but this could be the extra exercise I am doing. In rehab yesterday, they took it easy on me. Just some heat on my sore muscles and rubbing and stretching these muscles, too. I felt real good when I left, but the soreness did come back. Things on the ground seem so close, but I can't get to them without pain. I am sure this will fade over time. Getting up and down in a chair or couch is rough too, but time will help here, too. I ran into a guy from work last night at dinner. He said something I have heard many, many times. It makes good sense to hear, but never put much thought into it. He said I am lucky to be alive. I knew this was a great feat, but I never put a whole lot of thought in to it. Yes, he is right. I am very lucky to still be here. I know that! If it wasn't for the support systems that are here for me, I probably wouldn't be here. Many people have brought me in to the lives and have been supportive in so many ways. I have been put in to so many prayer groups around the country. Be it family, friends and other people who have heard on this situation. This is an important step in my recovery process. I have heard from people that I have not heard from in years and this is important,too. I have family and friends sending notes in e-mail, phone calls and cards via regular mail that mean a lot. I can not thank everyone enough. We bought a box of thank you notes to send out to a lot of people, but my writing in terrible at this point. The stroke I had after my first release really effected my writing. Betty said it is OK, so I guess I can start on these soon and hope for the best. The support has come from so many people that this will be a good chore for me. I know I owe a lot of these to many people. I hope you can read it when it arrives.
I love you all and appreciate all the effort that was put in by all! May God be with you everyday you need his help. Just don't be afraid to ask him. He is very helpful and very attentive. And thanks for being there for ME! This means a lot whether you know it or not!
Mark 11/10/07

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Thursday, Nov 8th & all is good

Well, another day is upon us. I woke up sore this morning and feel like my rehab is working. I had a note in my BLOG from a previous morning from someone I did not recognize. I found out at my rehab yesterday that this was my rehab specialist. He is a great guy who is helping me make progress. It feels good to know who thinks about me from time to time.
As for my replies from yesterday, Yes Janet I got your note and pictures. I guess I am to involved to reply. It was good to see what I am missing out on even I wish I wasn't. But I am happy to be alive and breathing! There was also a HB note in you reply for Betty. Sallie also set her one, too. The third note was from someone I have heard from in a long time. It was from Dianna, Sunny's mom and Jennifer and Jake's grandmother. It is good to hear from some old friends, too. Yes, I remember you, Dianna, even though it has been a long time since we saw each other. It is good to hear from you. Jenn and Jake both call me pretty regularly to check on me and Sunny came by after the wedding shower last Saturday. It was great to see her again and visit back some old times. I always had high thoughts of her and they are still valid today.
Betty and I had a good day yesterday. We went to eat some lunch and run some errands after that. It was a pretty good day for us both.
I was due a shipment of Imitrex on Monday or Tuesday and it never showed up. I realized this around 9:20PM last night that I did not have this. I tried to call Walgreen's and the message said they needed at least a hour to fill an refills. I know I would have a bad night without it, but did not see any way around it. My hero did!!! Betty got in the car and went to see them. About 10:10PM, she came back with my live-savers. She got 4 pills SOMEHOW with out waiting an hour. Therefore, I slept good last light as my headache less nights go!!! Her birthday and she does this for ME. Does anyone else see why she is so important in my life!!!
Herb is getting better every day. Thanks for all of your prayers for such a nice person.
Love to all how read this and may God be there when you need him.
Mark Thursday morning 11/8

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Nov 7 and the good and the bad...

Today is Wednesday, Nov. 7. This is a great day because this is the day my wonderful wife was born. This makes is special to us! I am here today because of HER. That is part of why she is my world!! Wish her a happy birthday!!!
I took my Imitrex last night before laying down and had no headache. It has been a while since I had one because of this new change I have made. I can live with this. I don't sleep as well as I used to but I think the medicine is doing this. I can live that way. My rehab must be working. I am so sore this morning that I can barely move. My back is in pain with every move. I will tell them at rehab today that we may be over doing this a little bit. It is becoming a struggle to get out of bed in the mornings. Once I get moving around, the pain will get better, but will still be there. I am doing better on the stairs right now. I go up much faster than I did when I started out. I used to do these steps one at a time, but now I do a new one which each foot. It takes a lot of upper body help, but it's coming along. Down is a little harder. I lead with my right foot going down and can do a few with my left foot, but right hip does not like it. A little bit of pain with each one, but it will come. A little pain means I am making progress on my muscles.
Thanks for the card in the mail Nora (wonderful cousin). It means a lot to know you are watching out for me. And also, thanks for the key notes in the BLOG from several key people. One was from Sallie Keaton, here in town and one from another special cousin, Karen, that also meant a lot, too. Thanks, for being there, for support. These mean so much, too. There was one in there that I don't remember who it is. My mind does not work as well as it used to. I am sure I know it, but can't figure out who it is and it was not signed. (Someone picking on my weaker mind, huh?)
All is good today. My God be with you when you need Him.
Love to all.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Nov. 5 and moving in right direction

It is Monday morning and all is well. I took my Imitrex before I laid down last night and got ANOTHER night that was headache free. Rehab still has me sore. I think I am going in the right direction, but moving is more difficult than before. I woke up and my lower back is sore and both shoulders are a little sore, too. I must be making progress for this to happen. Right???
Yesterday was not a good day. Breanna borrowed Tiffaney's truck for the night and woke up and someone had taken a knife to two tires. There is no call for someone to act this way, but some people don't know right from wrong or what I would do to then if I caught them doing something like this. Just what we needed was another $225 thrown away one something like this!!! Tiff had to drive back to San Marcos without a spare and will go and get this fixed today. There were no problems on this trip home, so everything will go just fine.
We got a call last night from Betty's Mom. She wished me well and also told me Herb is getting better every day. They are supposed to move him to another facility today to start his rehab sessions. This was great news for me to hear. I am sure Margie and the kids are all feeling better over this, too. Great people like Herb deserve to recover fully. Herb and I may be brother in laws through marriage, but we have always been closer than this. I could not love him any more than I do! He is one of those kind of people and a strong family around him for support! Go Herb!!!
That kind of raps up my feelings for today. May God be with you today and tomorrow for any occasion that He is needed. Don't be afraid to ask Him for help and support. God comes through in many, many ways and will be there for you if needed! These are the things He did for me. So many people helped bring Him into my life by asking and praying and I am alive today because of it!!! Thanks for this from ME!!!
I love you all so much!
Mark 11/5/07

Saturday, November 3, 2007

Saturday, Nov. 3 Update

Well it is Saturday night and all is well. I woke up this morning hurting in places that usually don't hurt, but rehab is giving me a work out to remember! I had a good work out on Friday and all the girls were home that night. After playing dominoes until late, we finally went to bed. It was already late, so I took my Imitrex before laying down and went all night without a headache. I may start doing this more often. It sure beats waking up and dealing with the pain. I went to Matt's soccer game today. I had a good drive there and back home as he played across town. Then I went to Megan's wedding shower for a quick visit with some people I had not seen in a while. It felt good to see these people again, though. Later this evening, I took Megan home and help her carry in her new gifts from this shower. By the time I got home, I was sore even more. Long days do this to me now. I guess my body sitting in the hospital bed for 3 months did not do me much good, but I am alive to talk about. This is good news.
I was glad to hear the news about my brother in law, Herb. His recover will take him awhile to come back, but he is one of those that deserves it. A great guy like this needs all we can give him. To see how Betty reacts to this is weird. Her sister is going through a lot of the same feelings the Betty dealt with on me. Knowing Margie like I do, she could use the help God will provide her. She deserves his help as she is one of the good ones that I have always loved since we met so many years back. They have three great kids that were half grown when I met them. I always told Betty that this is how I want my kids to be like. We did our best to make this happen, too. Herb and Margie were a fine example of what good parents are and we tried to follow their strong actions. My kids are as good as they are today because of these examples. I thank Marge and Herb for teaching us how to do this. Great people show you right from wrong!
I love all of you that read this and wish God's will and ways towards each of you.
Mark 11/3/07

Friday, November 2, 2007

News on Herb Bradley

I got good news today about my brother in-law Herb Bradley. He is doing much better. They have his seizures under control and he was moved out of ICU today. He his having some trouble getting his body to do what his mind wants his body to do. And he is having difficulty getting words out. They are hoping to transfer him some time next week to an acute care facility so that he can start rehabilation. I know what my sister and her family are going thru right now. It hits kinda close to home and makes me think about Mark and what I went thru with him. Thank you for keeping me and my family in your prayers. I would really appreciate it if you have a minute for an extra prayer or two, to send some their way down in Tampa. We love you all.

Friday, Nov.2 and my daily update

Well, it's Friday and all is well, I guess. My rehab yesterday went well. I did exercises that moved muscles that needed to be worked. I woke up this morning and was sore all over. I guess this is good to get these muscles working, but I am supposed to hurt like this? Just getting up and moving hurts but that tells me I am OK. I looked back at some BLOGs and I had an out friend that I have not talked to in years send a comment. I am going to send him an e-mail so he knows that I saw it. These comments are always good to hear.
My headache last night was another one of the severe ones that last about 35-40 minutes before the Imitrex knocked it out. Once it disappeared, I went back to sleep for the rest of the night. ONE PER NIGHT IS ALWAYS GOOD!!
I have another rehab session today. I want another day like yesterday! I can stand a little pain the next day to let me know I am making progress. We never heard from the doctor about my suction pump but Betty said the skin color looks better and I am not having to carry this pump everywhere. People at soccer practice made several comments about how my walk was improving now that I am without the walker. So, this is great news to me. I still have my limp on my right leg, but doctor says this is normal with the damage I did to that pelvis. He said it will go away over time. Come on Nov. 26th. I can hardly wait for this next surgery to come and go so life can go back to what I call "normal"
Life is good and life is great. May God be with you today and every other day you need him as he has been there for me. Love to you all. You all me the world to me!!
Mark 11/02/07

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Nov. 1 and all is well... Mark

I have not put anything in since Tuesday (10/30), so I will update for both days. Tuesday night went OK. I had one headache around 11PM and it was one of the ones that does not fade easily. It was more severe than normal and lasted about 35 to 40 minutes or so. After the medicine took it out, I slept through the night with out any other problems.
Last night (Wednesday), I was waiting to get me dressing checked and changed out. I fell asleep on the couch. I woke up around 11PM and Betty was still up, too. She took me in and changed my bandage and will I was laying there, a headache felt like it was coming. The moving upstairs and getting ready for bed may have help pass it off, but I took my Imitrex before laying down because I knew it would be right back. It never did come back. This was a headache free night thanks to the medicine. I get a nights sleep and still woke up tired and sore. All the moving around I did yesterday (lunch with some co-workers, driving to Walmart for a few items, etc.) may be part of this. I start my rehabilitation at 10AM today so this will push me toward recovery.
Yesterday, the nurse came by the house to check my wound and bandage. She said it looked good and was signing me off as complete for them to check it. She was instructed to check me out as complete by her company if all was good. Betty had taken my vacuum pump off that morning so she could see everything fine. She asked some questions about general health and this pump. The pump runs all the time, but because the infection is down, it does not get much in it. She is going to ask the doctor if we can get off of it and go to a better bandage. This pump has got my skin red from being on all the time and pulling my blood up to the skin. This was am excellent idea for me if this bandage will work out right. She said it will need to be changed every day instead of two days like it was, but it my wound gets better, I am in favor of this. Not having to carry this pump around with hose every where would be a lot easier if it works. I am down to 3 1/2 weeks until my surgery is scheduled and getting excited about it. This will be another step towards my recovery and if the infection is under control, I should be quick to respond. Doctor said a couple of days and I will be moving forward again! If the infection is bad, the plastic surgeon may take longer to finish, but only time will tell at that point.
I will talk to the doctor the day of surgery to get an estimate on recovery. My goal is to get back up and moving forward as quickly as possible. I want to get back to work and pick up where my life should be. My boss said that we can work around my injuries until I am fully healed up, too. I would like to be back in December if possible. That is my goal to work towards and my rehab will help me make it!
Good wishes to all and let God be there for you as he has with me. The prayer support groups that have been started by so many people in so many different places have help me in a lot of ways and I want to thanks ALL of you for this support!
Love to all, Mark

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Tuesday, Oct 30, Mark's posting

Last night went OK. My headache came about 11:30PM and lasted 20 minutes until the Imitrix faded it enough to get back to sleep. One a night is a good night! I am a little sore today. Not sure it my rehabilitation stretching did any of this or not. The therapist pulled and pushed on my muscles and limbs to find out where my pains were and to make a plan on getting by these. I actually start my work out on Thursday morning. I have a plan to go eat lunch with some of the guys from work on Wednesday (tomorrow). I am looking forward to this. It is always good to see these people that I work with.
Today was my Dad's birthday. I called him to let him know I remembered and was thinking about him. He sounded like he was in a good mood.
I had three people put information in my BLOG since my last comment. One was concerning my headaches. Marsha was asking me about the Oxygen use since it always worked last few times I had these. I have tried it, but it does not have the same reducing as it did before. These headaches as being created by the medicines they have me on. On 27 days now until my surgery to remove this metal in my back so I can start getting off of this stuff. I am hoping this will help me get rid of these headaches! Note #2 was about a family group that came by to visit on Sunday. Scott, Sallie and Noah were a pleasant group to have here and we all enjoyed their visit. Conversations went to so many things during the night. We were all in agreement that God is the reason I am still here and still happy. Note #3 was from my oldest. Megan has been trying to reach me to make sure all was still good but kept catching our voice mail. It is good to get a note from her. School is pretty tough on her right now but I am still in her thoughts. That is always good to know. I talked to all three of my girls today. That always makes a Dad happy. I also got a card in the mail today from my cousin, Nora. This is great to know that she is still watching how I am doing and wishing me the best hope to achieve everything I need!
I am looking forward to the changes that will be coming me way soon. I am hoping rehabilitation will get my body moving the right way toward being "myself" again. It is these kind of things that make me feel good, too. I wish much kindness toward all of you people as you have definitely lifted mine. May God be with you all to help you get to the place you want to be. God has sure helped me out and will continue to be a support for all when he is needed. Don't be afraid to ask him for help!

Monday, October 29, 2007

Mark's Monday Update 10/29/07

Last night was a decent night. One headache that lasted about 20 minutes and allowed me to go back to sleep. I also had one today that was treated easily. It got severe before the medicine kicked it down, but 20 minutes of severe pain is still OK.
I went to rehab today. He basically ran down all my muscles to find where work would be needed and talked a lot about not pushing too far too fast. If we make my body shut down, we are losing ground and we don't want that. A little progress needs to made each time I attend for us to get where we want to be. This may work out to be the best thing for me right now. Time will tell.
Another prayer is being passed from me to Herb. His surgery yesterday seemed OK at first, but is still struggling with things right now. May God be on your side, Herb, as you need him right now. We love you and are pulling for you.
Great day to all,
Mark 10/29/07

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Sunday, Oct 28 Update from Mark

Life is all good right now. I have had one headache during the night for the last two days. I had two minor headaches Saturday which are caught earlier than at night and tend to fade faster and one more today. These night time occurrences usually are 20 or 30 minutes before they are gone. Daytime one are shorter since I usually catch them earlier.
We went to see my parents this morning. There are so many friends of theirs from Church that have been praying for me and my recover. It was a couple of days before my Dad's birthday so we went for that and to tell all the people in Church a big Thank You. It was a good trip for us and was time well spent!!!
Now, to say that my life is in trouble is a little much right now. Two days after my accident, Betty's sister, Margie and her husband, Herb, were in a pretty bad car wreck. They spent some time in hospital recovering and thought all would be OK. Well, shortly after all of this, Herb was acting a little weird and a little distant but they could not figure anything out. He finally had an episode with his hunting group and they called Margie. She met them about half way and she took him to the hospital again. They found out that his brain was bleeding inside his skull. They did surgery on him and he seems to be doing better already. This guy is one of those people that would do so much for anyone that needed it. He is one of those special people on this planet that we need here. I could not love this guy any more than I already do even if he was MY family. He is improving and could really use a prayer from each of you. Funny to think about it, but Margie also married a Bradley, even though we are not kin. You would not know it if you saw us together! My hope, heart and prayer goes to you, Herb Bradley. You are an inspiration to everyone who knows you. God we help you through this and back to the great person you always are. We all love you so much!!!

Friday, October 26, 2007

Mark Update #2 for 10/26

My visit to the plastic surgeon was quick. In and out without much wait. He is concerned about the shape of this wound while a month rolls by. He wants to make sure there is not more infection setting in on it. He can do this, but not in one try. He seems to think he needs to make some modifications the first try and see how it sets up. Then on a second trip, repair any damage after the first try and then on a third trip, he will cut and place muscle over this area. This guy was pretty thorough, but wants it to be right. I guess that is good, but time consuming. Right is best, but time is important too. I guess we will see how this works out over time. Hopefully, he can help me walk without a limp like I have now. I will start my rehab on this come Monday. Insurance covered me on this part for two months if needed. The guy we talked to was very nice and helpful and knew some stuff about all of this he learned from some existing clients. That made me feel good that he knew what bridges were ahead for me and seem like we can get over them together.
Love to all of you. Hope God is on your side like he is with me. We all need him!!
Mark 10/26/07 #2

Quick Update for Friday 10/26

Today is Friday, Oct 26, and I have an appointment this morning with a plastic surgeon to cover my back up with plate is removed. My original doctor thought I should see this guy and let him decide when this should be done. I will update this note either later today or tomorrow morning.
Had a pretty good time last night. Took Imitrex pill about 11:30PM and it worked in like 20 minutes. Much better than the night before. Headache did not come back either. That makes it a good night, right? It does to me!
I had a special visitor yesterday that made me very happy. Brother Larry (our preacher from church) came by and visited with me. This guy sure knows how to spead joy around. Right before he left, we prayed together and said our good-byes. Talk about making a bright spot in your day! Some people are good at what they do, but Larry is one of those this is GREAT at his role in life. He really made me happy!
Anyway, that is all for now. Fixing to run to downtown to see the doctor. Love you all so much. More information coming sometime soon.
Mark 10/26/07 8:30AM

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Thursday, 10/25- Mark's "daily report"

Another day is upon us all. One thing is see is the Imitrex is not as good as it was at first. The first few times I took it, it would work in 15 minutes or so and was getting at little longer each time. Last night, I had a headache that would not subside until 45 minutes of medicine and then went to a dull pain and would not fade out completely. Then, if that was not enough, it came back around 5:30AM this morning and I had to take another medicine to help. I guess 6 hours sleep is better than the small batches I was getting, though. The one this morning faded after 20 minutes, but feels like it is trying to come back 2 hours later.
My surgery is schedule for Nov 26 and I was told it was to take the metal out. I am sorry about the information, but he did not say ALL of the metal or just part of it. Betty felt like this was for all of it as my wounds have healed on the inside. I did not hear that from him, but my mind was more focused on the word "surgery". I am not excited about it, but getting off the medicines may make my headaches disappear. For this, I am thankful. I get concerned with all the medicine I am taking right now to control BOTH issues. I have four different medicines for my headaches that I switch around to and the anti-biotic and other drugs for my "original" problem, too. Then, if this wasn't enough, the doctor has asked me to see a skin specialist for skin adjustments right after my surgery. That is what I need. ONE more doctor in this picture!
Life is great today, even though this probably does not sound positive. I am alive and breathing on my own and loving every part of it. Don't let me bring your day down because that is not what I am trying to do. UP! That is where my day is and yours should be, too. GOD is taking care of me and hopefully, you too. Thanks for being here for me and reading my update today. Hopefully, this headache I feel trying to come on will fade away and this will be another GREAT day!!!
Mark 10/25 7:45AM

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Mark's Daily Report-Oct 24, Wednesday

Well, it is Wednesday evening and all is good. I only had one headache last night. It took about 20 minutes for the Imitrix pill to kick in and this was one of those bad ones. Once gone, it left me alone. I can handle that! That always beats three or four during the night.
I had a doctor appointment this afternoon. It was set for 2PM and we got there at 1:15PM or so. About 1:45, my x-ray was done and got to see the doctor at about 4:30. This guy schedules too many patients for anyone to see. He may be the best at this, but people should not have to wait like that. I am not sure if he gave me good news or bad news. He was a little concerned about the infection built up on my back wound, but was pleased at how it was healing up. He scheduled me for surgery on 12/17 to remove this metal that is in me. I have a wedding shortly after that. We questioned him on the time frame and he assured me that I would be OK for the wedding walk. Next, Betty questioned him about the wound being completely healed by then. He made another look at it and decided we should do the surgery in November instead. He set me up for the Monday after Thanksgiving (26th, I think). I am not sure if this is good or bad news, yet. Not having to stay on the Anti-biotic any longer than necessary is good, but another surgery? This is supposed to be a minor operation and should only require 1 night stay in hospital. Not having this metal in me is a good part, but I am not sure how I feel on this at this point. I am excited about it, but scared, too.
Life is good. Life is great. My friends and family are behind me and will be there for me through all of this. I only have this vacuum pump on me for another month or so, which is good. Another good note about today. The doctor gave me permission to drive a vehicle when needed so I did a little bit of driving in town today. Exciting, yet scary at the same time. It is amazing what you loose in 3-4 months. May GOD be with you all as he is with me.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Today is Tuesday... Mark is alive and kicking 10/23

Monday night came and went. We picked up a new medicine yesterday that is supposed to be good. Instead of the Imitrex shots that were $21 AFTER insurance, these are Imitrex pills. They are only $5.07 each after insurance and helped me to a good nights sleep. (Well worth the cost!) I had one headache last night. Around 11PM, I took one pill and slept the rest of the night! This was a good thing to go through. I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon and got another headache. This one was severe and lasted severely over an hour and is still mild and here two hours later, but not up all night is still great.
Thanks to those of you (Janet and Karen are great cousins and one from a great family here in town (thanks Sallie) that means a lot to me, too) that responded to my note yesterday. I am glad people keep up with my progress. Betty seems to think that my wound on my back is healing VERY well. I guess Mister Doctor will tell me tomorrow what he thinks (afternoon appointment). I am kind of excited about this, but worried about it too. If it is not healing as good as he thinks it should be, he may want to take the metal plate back out and replace with something else. I am not real fond of the thought starting over from the beginning.
Pain wise, my legs are a little sore again today. Betty thinks I overdid trying to get me legs back in shape. I have been doing less the last few days to let my legs freshen up some. I know when I sit a lot, my back starts stiffening up and hurts just to get up, but I will deal with this. This is quite a bit less pain than a headache, so I will make it all right. I make it upstairs for night time sleep most nights now and that is a chore on its own. I don't climb or diminish stairs like before, but slow and thorough is progress anyway. One step at a time!
Life is great. Being able to move in pain is better than being in a hospital or home bed and better than being in the only other place life was trying to send me. I can't imagine having a rock with my name on it above me. NOT AN OPTION!!!
I am so lucky to have had the support group that has been there for me. Whether it is family, friends or one of those groups that are "both", my life is all good. I can tolerate some pain from time to time to enjoy the good parts I still have. Thanks to all of you people. I am glad to be here and enjoy each and every day. GOD has been a blessing for me from day to day and from person to person. Thanks for everything, all of you!
Mark, 10/23/07

Monday, October 22, 2007

Monday, Oct 22 may be better...Mark

Wow, what a night I had. I only had three headache and the first two were quick and went away pretty quick after medicine. #3 lasted longer, but was not like what I had yesterday!!! Hopefully, this medicine change is finely kicking in (hopefully). Betty got a full nights sleep last night because I did not wake her. Hopefully, her Monday at work will be better than just average. Days are usually bad for them out there, but all we can do it hope. I tried Janet's suggestion of sleeping more upright. I woke up around midnight with number 1 and it faded quite easily after medicine kicked in. My back was sweaty from not moving so I went to a regular bed and prompted my head on two pillows, hoping that might help. Was it her idea or my medicine change? I don't know, yet. Maybe a little of both. The elevated idea is something we had tried once before and I could not sleep that way, but the benefits might make it worthwhile. Another chance of one of YOU people helping me.
And anyone that questions any of this, must understand, all ideas are appreciated and taken into consideration. Again, one of you helping me. There is nothing like a SEVERE headache and my family and friends DO understand what it is doing to me. If you have never seen them, thank GOD for that. It is not a pleasant sight I wish on ANYONE!
Love and prayers to all of you. I love you all more than you could imagine!
Mark 10/22/07, 5:30AM

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, Oct 21. Mark's Second for the day!

What a day it was today. Since my pain got me up early and Betty was up too, we decided to go to church today. It was a great time for both of us. Lots of people there knew what I had done and gone through. I don't like the normal attention giving for something like this, but it made me feel good any way. That was the good part of the day.
After that, we came home and tried to relax a little. I turned on football and fell asleep pretty quickly. Needless to say, I was up in an hour with a real pain er that the medicine knocked out in about 30 minutes or so. This medicine did well enough to put me out again. Most of these headaches rate about a 9 an a scale of 1-10. After this next hour sleep, I was awake again with another headache. This one was a real bad one. On a scale of 1-10, I think this was around a 12 or so. And it this wasn't enough, it lasted through two doses of medicine about 1 and a half hours. One it faded down to "tolerably", it was a mild, constant headache for another hour or more. It finally died down enough to settle down a little bit. I went to my bedroom and tried to relax and one came #3. This one did not materialize as bad bad and did not even let me take medicine for this one before it started fading. I almost want to stay up all night tonight! Betty has to be at work at 6AM tomorrow, so waking her is not a good option for me. I will not be sleeping by her and will try to keep my screaming down to keep from waking her up. These pills are all running down, but the doctor will get a call on them tomorrow so I do not run out.
Two great comments came from my earlier note. Janet (my wonderful cousin) suggested sleeping at an angle. We tried this once before and I did not stay that way for very long. Maybe I need a little more help with controlling my angle during sleep. The other note came a very good friend that question my shot comment. They seem to work real well at first, but the pain I get from the injection and the feelings I get for the first 1/2 hour make this questionable. It only lasted about 4 hours last night before a headache woke me. Then I got a headache every hour to hour and a half after that. It might have saved me a couple of misses, but according to Betty, I woke up screaming in pain and laid back to sleep. I did not wake up more rested for sure. What is my answer? This I do not know. If I get too many like the one this afternoon, I will have to do SOMETHING for sure. I asked Betty to take me to the hospital during it, but she said to give the medicine more time and gave me another round of pills. It finally worked, but very painful.
We go see the doctor about my back plate on Wednesday. Maybe he will have something good to tell me. I know my arms and legs are hurting now because I am using them for the first time in many months. I cut back on my exercising to help, but it may take a while to see a difference.
Tiffaney was home this weekend and got to see in reality when my life is like know. I am sure this was not the pleasant event she usually gets when she comes home. Hopefully, this did not shake her up too much.
Life is good! It is great to be here and be loved by GOD and all my family and friends. Y'all make me glad I am here. Tough nights are just part of it right now. I will live through and be thankful for all of you being there for me.
Thanks, Mark

Sunday, Oct 21. Mark is still here with us!

All right. This one is mostly about my headaches. If this bothers you, please skip this. This is my true life right now and I need to get some of these thought out of my system. May GOD be with you and me. He is an important part of life each and every day.
Well, it is Sunday morning. I have come to the conclusion that nights are not for sleeping, for me anyway. Friday night, I had four real bad headaches that took about 30 minutes of SEVERE pain before my pills took over and allowed me another hour of sleep after each one. I tried an taking a nap during Saturday during the day to try to catch up on my lost sleep and guess what happened after 1 hour. It was painful, but it faded after 30 minutes. Last night we decided to take the expensive route and do the imitrex shot. Boy, it kicks in fast and makes you feel weird (real weird), but no headache was a good thought. Betty said I woke up screaming twice in the first couple of hours, but I did not know it. The first one I had to deal with was at 3AM. Twenty minutes on severe pain for the pills to work on it and another hour of sleep. Number two was around 4:20AM and was the same. Twenty minutes, on back to sleep again. The third one came about 5:40AM and I was up for the day. I guess I woke up earlier with this one because it was not as severe and medicine worked in about 20 minutes. I guess I should come to the conclusion that I need to quit trying to sleep at night and learn to live on the 4 hours I get each day. If you have never had pain this bad, I envy you greatly. There is nothing like this I have EVERY had. And if I thought I was doing bad, poor Betty is dealing with these with less sleep than me, I think. No pain for her, but to watch me through this has to be tramatic on her. These shots were suppose to be the answer, but they are not worth the amount of money spent for each one. Insurance does not like these and cost us over $20 each shot. Worth it? I don't think so. The pills are set up for one every four hours as needed and I am at one every hour to hour and a half. The pain is not worth the directions on the bottle. The pain feels like someone is pushing a screw driver handle above my left ear and even worse on the back of my left eye. Nose is running bad, too. About every 45 seconds, someone hits this item with a hammer for 15-20 seconds. You want to take about SCREAMING pain, I make some noise.
Betty found out yesterday on Internet that one of these new medicines I am on has side effects of headaches and it is to help the anti-biotics work better, so we are going to stop it for a while and see if it helps. The anti-biotics don't have anything listed for them, so maybe tonight will be better??? I can't imagine anything worse! Betty has to work tomorrow morning at 6AM, so her help tonight is critical for her to sleep instead of being there for me. She is there for me all the time, but somehow I need to let her get some sleep! How? I don't know because when I get in pain, I can't read the name label on the Rx, much less the ingredient, but some how, I have to work this over for her.
We go to the doctor on Wednesday to check my back wound. Her opinion says it looks so much better, healing great. I hope he agrees with this because I don't want it taken out! Not yet, anyway. Let's get passed this point first. We can deal with this later as needed. The medicine doctor said this plate could last three years or more if all is good! (One doctor did the plates and a second one for medicines). This will be fine if we get the headaches handled in a managed way. A third doctor is working on this, but he is limited because my back is most important right now to everyone.
Love to all of you. Sorry about all the bad, truthful news this morning, but life is not treating me great during the nights right now. Maybe this medicine change will help. Only time will tell.
I hope everyone has a great day and thinks happy, God relative thoughts for me and maybe this will go away. Family and friends are my world right now and could not do this without you help! Be there for me.
Love, Mark

Friday, October 19, 2007

10/19-Friday: Another great day...Mark

Well, Friday (10/19/07) is upon us and it is a great morning. I finally made it upstairs (quite a struggle) last night to sleep in my own bed. Betty even let me take a REAL shower this morning. After that, she change my bandage on my back and said that the wound is improving a lot. This is great to me!!! We seem to be moving in the right direction. Walking is still quite difficult right now. My right leg does not work well and hurts when I walk (still in the hip area where it is still healing), but I took 20 steps last night without my walker. 10 good ones and 10 hurting ones, but it was 20 total. Now, the stairs present quite a challenge. Talk about slow moving. My legs don't move up so well yet, but this will get better as we go. I have two walls to use to help me get up there, and always, left leg goes and and right comes to the same step. It is slow, but up still counts.
Now, are my headaches any better? Not really. I had four of them last night. They are quite intense, but on the oral medicine instead of IV medicine, they don't last as long. Each one is 20 to 30 minutes of so extreme pain, but it is better than the 1 1/2 hours episodes that the IV was creating. It makes a good nights sleep quite hard to get, but hopefully, they was disappear on there own. We go back to the doctor next week to check my metal plates and wound and maybe he will give me some insight on this. Only time will tell.
I have to really feel bad for this wonderful woman who survives all of this. I don't know how she makes it from day to day with her lack of a full nights sleep and STILL works, but she is the real reason I am still here! 26 years ago this week, I made one of the smartest decisions that could be made and couldn't be happier we are still together. She is my true life line EVERY day. I definitely have my wonderful life because of my darling wife. Betty is there for me in all situations! I love her more and more each and every day. She is the reason I am still here!!! She also the reason I have these wonderful children in this world!
One thing I have not touched one enough is how great people have been. From many, I get all sorts of help. One good friend (Shane Dees) comes by and mows for me and do all the little things I can't do myself, yet. He used to live next door, but moved about a mile away, now, but still comes really regular. Also, while I was out, people gave so much help to Betty. One family took my son into their family for quite a while. The difference that made is wonderful. They even said it worked out great for my son AND theirs to. Keith and Dawn Lyons, I owe you greatly for this. Also, the wonderful family next door took Matt to get supplies for school (thanks Mark & Donna McKee). Another friend in the neighborhood (Lisa and Don Holcombe) took Matt for school clothes, too. These were another one of those wonderful moves that seems to be untouchable! Several neighbors will mow my front yard with their mower when they finish theirs. On top of all of this, I hear from so many people by phone and mail. I had three cousins and one aunt call me this week that just makes my time wonderful. I know I was in their thoughts, but to here the voices is wonderful. I hear (calls and e-mails) from the Bradley family all the time, but these calls were from Mom's (Gray) family. It is great to know how important I am to so many. Just the additions to the BLOG, e-mails, phones and letters written mean the world to me. I heard from people from work yesterday. If I don't call Paul Palermo at work sometime during the week, he will call me to make sure I am OK. That is another one of those "feel good" calls that mean so much. It really amazes me that there are so many people that pray for me daily that naturally lifts your spirits! What a group of friends and family that has gathered there for me. I love the way everyone rallies around for me. You are the greatest group of people one could possibly have around them.
Great kids, great cousins, aunt, uncles and even Betty's wonderful family along with the friends I have come so close to over the years could not be ANY BETTER. Thank you all for being there for me.
Enough from me about all of this. I wish each and every one of to have a great day like the one God brings to me. You ALL deserve it.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wednesday, Oct 17....Mark's Update

I guess you take the good with the bad. Today is my anniversary with my wonderful "care giver". It has been 26 wonderful years and I could not be happier to be alive and semi-healthy. I was resting on the couch this morning and the phone started ringing. In my effort to get to it, I ripped the bandage off my back as the tubing was caught on something and would not give. Now I am without this suction today unless I go see Betty at work or wait until she gets home tonight.
On another side of life, I had four headaches last night. The weren't as severe as they were with the IV medicine, but they sure make a good nights sleep impossible to get. The first came about 10:15PM. Pills knocked it out in less than 1/2 an hour but the next one came just after midnight. #3 came about 2:30AM and the 4th one just before 5AM. The imitrex shots work well on these but I only have 1 shot left so I am trying to save it for one of those bad ones if possible. Insurance does not pay real well towards this shots, so it is $20 or so on each one. Gets to be expensive if I use too many of these! Doctor tells me I will be one these pills to fight can of infection for 3 years or more, depending on how long the titanium plate stays in my back. This could be a long 3 years.
Betty started looking at the bills the hospital has put together on my stay and says it is scary to see the total amounts. It's going to take time to get it all straighten out all of this. Only time will tell where we end up at on this.
Love to all my family and friends that mean so much to me.