Monday, November 26, 2007

Nov 26 is FINELY here...

This is early in the morning and we are fixing to go to the hospital. Today, we will be in for my surgery this morning. I will not have access to a computer today, so Betty or Megan will update with some text and let you know how it went. Say a prayer for me so everything goes well. God and I talked about this yesterday and will talk again this morning.
Love you all so much.
Mark 11/26/07 4:20AM


Karen Bills said...

I pray everything went as smooth as possible today. I just had a chance to read back over the last weeks updates. Mark you have come so far!!! Walking around the field at the soccer game, riding your bike, etc. Just being here!!!!!
We also had a great Thanksgiving. We went with Laura & family to Disney World. It was fun.
Take care and keep us posted.
Karen Bills

Anonymous said...

Hey Uncle Mark,

I just wanted you to know that I think about you every day, and that Tommy and I both pray for you constantly. I know everything will go well in surgery. I can't wait to see you walk meg down the aisle. The last time I saw you compared to is a world of difference. It will be nice to see you up and around! I love you very much and can't wait to see you!!

Love you always,
