Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Tuesday, March 3 and still around

Well, another week has flown by and life is GREAT. I was on vacation yesterday and watched my Grandson all day. It was wonderful all day long. He was sweet almost all day. It was a wonderful thing to spend time with him. He would just look up and smile at me as he passed gas.... Typical boy, huh? I got to hold him most of the time and let him lay quietly and sleep some of the time, too.
I had to go to Huntsville on Friday and start getting the trailer ready for moving. Much of this I could do and part of it I couldn't. Getting down on the ground still hurts and getting up is not too pleasant either. We had to remove the water line, the sewer line and the wiring for electricity. The skirting along the bottom was really an interesting thing to do. It does not come a part very easily. You have to pull them away from the trailer, then lift them up to get them apart. We stacked them in my truck, one on top of the other. There was quite a few of them and they took up a lot of the room in the truck. All the piping was easy to load since it was light, but we had to tie the together so they did not blow out. Once the truck was full, we still had the porch to go. Shane was with me with his brother-in-law. Shane suggested we go to his brother's house to get a trailer to load the deck up. It was so big, we had to cut it into three pieces. It was still too heavy to easily load, but thanks to my "helpers", they did just fine. It is things like this that make me realize how hurt I still am. Do what you can and smile that I am still here taking in air. Tiffaney is getting excited about getting the trailer set up and fixed up so she will have her own place. She is a sweetheart to be around, but I think she really needs this location change. She will enjoy her own place and have her animals around to keep her company. We will really miss having her around her. She is one of those that does the things that need to be done. She cooks regularly and helps Matt with his homework, too. I don't think we will know how much we miss her until she is gone. Somehow, I need to get the porch re-built and the wiring and plumbing all still is needed. I think she will have to hire someone to put the skirting back on because it is too delicate and precise for me these days. The porches will be a challenge, but they are made of wood and I can do wood items.
Another good day is right around the corner as I get to watch Maxwell again on Friday. Betty will be working days and Megan and Matt will be gone so he is all MINE to SPOIL!
Life is great. Smile and thank God for allowing us time to enjoy everything. My love is sent to all of you that read this. Make life wonderful every day. I will write again real soon.
Mark 3/3/09


Unknown said...

Well sounds like you have been really busy lately, I'm glad that you are enjoying Maxwell what a blessing to have a grandchild. You do need to post more pictures though. Happy belated birthday! sorry I missed it. love and prayers Sallie, Scott & Noah

Unknown said...

What a wonderful time! I miss you and love you all. Christine

Betty Bradley said...

Pictures of Maxwell can be seen at http://maxvincentputonti.shutterfly.com