Friday, October 10, 2008

Friday, Oct.10 and still here

Well, another week has gone by and all seems well. Hurricane Ike was kind to us on damage, but the gas to keep the generator running added up. We are all still alive and no damage to speak of so we are good.
I had some appointments with my "mind" doctor and some of the stuff he asked and made me do helped me to realize where I am and where I need help. Some of his questions made sense but others did not. He asked questions to see how you mind works and where it had issues. He probably found out some issues that I may understand later. Long term memory, I did OK on and he thought talking about my accident might be painful. I told him what I knew, but still to this day, I can't remember any of it. I can tell him what I was told, but that is about it. He, like my medical doctor, said it MAY come back to me one day. I don't count on it. Talking about what my family and friends went through is the hardest part. One of my co-workers died about 2 weeks back and it made my realize what this would have meant to all of you. I told this doctor that I was in many prayer groups from family and friends that meant a lot to me. I know I was discussed and prayed for in many states and even countries. The support you all showed me still means the world to me. Thanks for all of YOUR efforts to keep me around.
I know a lot of people still read this to keep up with how I am and where I am. I talked to a guy at work this week that had heard I was in an accident, but knew nothing about it. I went through the whole episode of what happened and where I was. When I went over my "pain" parts, it made him a little uncomfortable to know how bad it was. He, like me, said that God was there for me. This I know and will always remember. He asked about where I was with pains and problems and I had to explain a lot of stuff. Climbing and lifting are still my biggest issues. Sitting on hard chairs will always be an issue since broken tailbones don't go away. I can climb ladder at work, but not as fast as I used to. Walking still hurts if it is too far or on unlevel ground. I can reach the ground easier than in the past but lifting something heavy is still real hard. I thought my mind was doing OK until this doctor started questions I could not answer. It was all just to see how your mind works or doesn't work and how much you don't realize that isn't right. Sometimes things like this are hard to accept, but you just smile and move on.
Megan said her doctor told her that she is going to have a boy, so they are getting excited about all this stuff. In about 3 months I will be known as Grandpa and am real excited that God wanted me here for all of this excitement.
I would like to say thank you to the ones that still check up on me here. I love you all so much.
Mark 10/10/08

1 comment:

Harry and Gayle said...

Just wanted to say Hi. I'm glad nobody is checking my mind as they may not find anything. :o) Congrats on becoming Grandparents! Can you put pictures on here?
Harry and Gayle Bennett