Monday, October 20, 2008

Monday, October 20 and still here

Another week has flown through our lives and we are still here to enjoy it. Betty and I went out of town for our anniversary. We spent the first night at Mom and Dad's. It was great to see them and see how they are doing. Bob and Carol (old friends of theirs that I have known for A LONG TIME) came and spent the night, too. We had a great time visiting and remembering things. Next, we went to San Marcos, to work on our trailer that my niece is living in. We did the work around the bath tub area. We had most of the stuff to do this already, but just needed to put it in. It was a little tough to do, but it looked nice when we left. Next, we went to Austin to see Breanna. We did several things around there for her while we were there. Some of these were small items and others a little more involved. We went to eat the night of our anniversary where she works. From there, we walked over to 6th street and walked down it. This much walking still hurts to do. I had to stop and rest several times but this wonderful woman understands this. We stopped in a couple of places for a little bit and enjoyed our night together. We walked part of the way back and Brea picked us up and took us back to the car. We got up Saturday and did a few more things before we left. We left there and went to see my cousin Shannon. We had not seen her in a long time and enjoyed our visit with her. She, like many others, was concerned with how I was doing and so glad to see us. We did not get to see Rob because he was away studying for school. From there, we went to see more family. We got to see Kelley and Michael and Bryar, too. We spent Saturday night there and most of Sunday was spent visiting. Kelley was so glad to see me moving around as well as I am. Michael just went through his second round of chemo and was not feeling so great, but it is so good to see him as cheerful as he could possibly be. Shortly after he met Kelley, we got to meet him, too. I fell in love with him and found out that he is such a special person. He was one of those people that is just great to be around. We left their house last night around 8PM, headed home. We made it back to our house around 1AM this morning. I got a great night's sleep and woke up this morning feeling great. If I had realized 27 years ago that this woman would still be a special part of my life, I would not know how to react. She is the strong part of my life that keeps me moving in the right direction. Because of her, I have four wonderful kids, friends and family that cares so much for us, and a life that is full of happiness.
We got the results back from my "head" doctor. It was many pages of stuff to go through. It told us both exactly what we both already knew, but had some information in it that were questions for us. He said parts of my mind work great, but there are some issues to deal with. The anger issues are going to be an issue that I will have to learn to handle better. But my thinking part seems OK. There are some memory issues that may or may not ever work right. My left hand is not as controlled as my right one, but this is a problem from my broken left shoulder. This also explains why my writing is hard to read. (Yes, even for me). Spelling problems is another issue that may work out over time, but it will have to be pushed. He also questioned my reading comprehension. I used to love to read Tom Clancy books, but now I get lost in just a few pages. He is a deep writer that moves around a lot. He thinks I need to start with a simpler writer but I get lost with Reader's Digest... May be over time, it will get better. I will just have to work on it and focus as much as I can to get better.
There was one note put in my last message from Harry and Gayle. It was good to hear from you and thanks for being one of those two or three people that still read this. I love you both so much and, YES, you better start getting ready for winter. You are probably already seeing freezing weather and snow is coming soon. Our two or three weeks of winter are still a ways away.
Be thankful of what we have and what is coming for us. God creates a lot of special things in our life and we just have to be thankful for each and every one. I love you all so much. Until next week, I'll close for now and deal with these issues and problems as best I can....
Mark 10/20/08

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