Saturday, January 26, 2008

Saturday, Jan 26 & all is good

I finished my first week of work without any major problems. I had some troubled remembering some things, but it will come back with time and patience. My boss came by and asked me how it was going and how I was doing. All is OK so far. He asked me to help out more next week. I am going to try to work my old position as a trial run next week. This will be a good experience for me to see how I am doing and how I will handle this. Several things I had going have fallen apart since I last looked at them, but with some time, they will come back around to where the need to be. I am looking forward to seeing how I will do at this. My boss is curious on this matter, too.
Other than that, I am in still in some pain, but moving in the right direction. I wake up in the mornings and my lower back hurts. It does not like being still for this long and then moving again. Once I get moving, it settles back down to tolerable. I can live with that one until it is better. Up and down (stairs or chairs)still bothers my pelvic areas but this will work out with more time and effort. The doctor said this would be with me for a while so it is something I will have to get used to.
This is all I have for now. My God be with you where He is needed. Don't be afraid to ask Him for help if needed. He was at my side for the longest time and will help you, too, if needed. I love you all so much.
Mark 01/26/08

1 comment:

Debra Jo said...

Hello Mark!

I just wanted you to know we're all still pulling for your complete recovery. It's so amazing how far you've come since July, but when I think of all the prayer warriors that rallied for you, it's definitely a God thing!

I enjoyed the wedding pictures online and now I really regret that I wasn't there to see it all myself. It looks like it was a beautiful ceremony from start to finish!

Hang in there Mark, you and Betty are a wonderful team!

Love & prayers,
Debra Jo (Cibolo cousin)