Thursday, January 17, 2008

Thursday Jan 17 and all moving fine...

Well another day is upon us and I am still here. I am sore from rehab, but this is part of my life, now. They were a little concerned about my pain so they cut back on some of the workout. There were two messages to my last log. One was from Sallie and Scott. They are some good friends here in town that keep me in their prayers. This is always a good thing! The second one was from Janet, my cousin. It was good to hear from her. She always sends me uplifting notes as she is one of my older cousins and is always looking out for me. Being the youngest Bradley in my generation has some up and some downs, but I will take ALL of it. There is nothing like people that want the best for me!
The wedding is over, but the pictures from it and the reception are on the web. This lady taking them actually got many pictures of me dancing with Megan AND you can't tell that I am not good at it. Megan was in tears over it and I almost was. There is nothing like you child's wedding! If you would like to look at the pictures, they are located on "" and find the spot to look at pictures from the past (I think it is under "galleries" and view recent weddings). It is on the top right side of her web sight. I know there are MANY there! We made it to #380 before may pain was too much to continue. I was told there is about 500 of them. Janet looked at them and said these were beautiful. The event was ALL special! If that wasn't enough, Megan has a Birthday on Saturday, January 19th. Imagine where we were 25 years ago! She doesn't remember it, but Betty and I do!
Reality sets in next week. My 2007 vacation is over after next Monday. I will be at work on Tuesday, Jan. 22. I have had so many people tell me they wish they had this kind of time off of work, but believe me, it was not all that much fun. They pain and suffering was only part of this. Not knowing where I would end up was a big challenge. Just watch what you ask for!
I would like to thank EVERYONE that had taken the time to say a prayer for me and any nice things that were said were also appreciated! I am still here because God was not going to let me leave this world yet! Between Him and that wonderful woman I married so many years ago, I can breathe on my own and walk with a slight limp for now. Stairs are still a chore to get up and down, but these are getting easier, too. I will only get back to where I need to be if I keep pushing to get better.
Thanks to all you you people that are reading this and a special Thanks to God for becoming such an IMPORTANT part of my life. It is a new meaning of LIFE itself and He is now a much bigger part of it!
Love and kisses to all of you,
Mark 1/17/08


Meg said...

hey dad

just wanted to post a correction that that website is

go to galleries and then recent weddings


Janet Vincik said...

Hey Mark,

Thought about you today. How did your first day back at work go? Do you feel exhilirated? Pooped?

Love, Janet