Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Jan 2 and all is OK

Well, the new year is upon us and things are going well. I am still in pain, but am moving along in the right direction, I hope. I had to pull down Christmas lights today. The bottom floor was a real chore, but the second floor was MUCH MORE difficult. I can not get on the roof to get them, so a fishing pole with a hook on it did a lot to help. I also rolled up some extension cords and put up the ice chests from the wedding. This was quite difficult, too. When I originally decided where these would be stored, I never thought I would be in this shape! The biggest one was quite a chore for me to get it where it needed to be. I am doing much better today that I was a week ago, so these items where difficult, but possible. Mark next door helped me out by putting the ladder up for me. I carried it out for the lights thinking I could use it, but this turned out to just be a dream. I thought if I could get on the roof, the top lights would be easy. My mind does not think things through like it used to!
Betty went back to work today. She is pretty sick from this cold she has picked up but as much as they did for her when I was down, she went in. She ended up leaving a little early because of this cold. They were very helpful to her on time because of my condition. They understood what she was going through and felt it best for her to be with me when she could. People like this have a lot of concern for others! I met her boss right after I got out and he is one of those special people. I guess we are very lucky people to have the bosses we have over us.
All is well and moving along for now. I still have a long ways to go, but will only get there with effort and time. I have to push myself without over doing anything. Life is a great thing that God has helped be here for. He can help you, too. Don't be afraid to talk to Him. He will help you solve these problems!
Mark 1/2/08


Janet Vincik said...

Hi cousin,

If your Aunt Ruby was alive she would be shaking her forefinger at you saying "Mark Stephen Bradley you've got no business being on a ladder or on the roof!" Shame on you, you know very well that the world won't come to an end if you leave Christmas lights up - hey, be a redneck and leave them up year round! HaHa

Great to hear that the wedding and Christmas went well for all of you. Sorry to hear Betty has a cold. I'm sure she knows this, but if she hasn't tried it, the Zicam or ColdEze over-the-counter meds really do help shorten the course of a cold. Hope she feels better soon and hope your pain lessens as time passes.

Love, Janet

Betty Bradley said...

I TRIED to get on the roof, but my body knew better than this. I did not get up there even though I thought I could. Aunt Ruby would not be the only one telling that I should know better. This fishing pole idea worked out really good. Some bulbs broke on the ground, but that is life! I will tell Betty about the medicines!
Janet, it was good to hear from you.
Love, Mark (my middle name is with a V instead of PH, but at least you remembered it!!!)

Lura said...

I am so happy that the wedding went well. I am also glad to see that you are posting so regularly. You've become quite a frequent blogger! Much more frequent than me these days.

Happy New Year: best wishes for amazing recovery, happiness, and peace.
==Love, Lura