Monday, November 5, 2007

Nov. 5 and moving in right direction

It is Monday morning and all is well. I took my Imitrex before I laid down last night and got ANOTHER night that was headache free. Rehab still has me sore. I think I am going in the right direction, but moving is more difficult than before. I woke up and my lower back is sore and both shoulders are a little sore, too. I must be making progress for this to happen. Right???
Yesterday was not a good day. Breanna borrowed Tiffaney's truck for the night and woke up and someone had taken a knife to two tires. There is no call for someone to act this way, but some people don't know right from wrong or what I would do to then if I caught them doing something like this. Just what we needed was another $225 thrown away one something like this!!! Tiff had to drive back to San Marcos without a spare and will go and get this fixed today. There were no problems on this trip home, so everything will go just fine.
We got a call last night from Betty's Mom. She wished me well and also told me Herb is getting better every day. They are supposed to move him to another facility today to start his rehab sessions. This was great news for me to hear. I am sure Margie and the kids are all feeling better over this, too. Great people like Herb deserve to recover fully. Herb and I may be brother in laws through marriage, but we have always been closer than this. I could not love him any more than I do! He is one of those kind of people and a strong family around him for support! Go Herb!!!
That kind of raps up my feelings for today. May God be with you today and tomorrow for any occasion that He is needed. Don't be afraid to ask Him for help and support. God comes through in many, many ways and will be there for you if needed! These are the things He did for me. So many people helped bring Him into my life by asking and praying and I am alive today because of it!!! Thanks for this from ME!!!
I love you all so much!
Mark 11/5/07


Unknown said...

Sounds like you have had a busy week end. Sorry to hear about Tiffs tires, such a rotten thing to do to someone. Glad to hear Herb is doing better, we will continue to pray for him and his wife. Keep taking your medicine before bed, sounds like thats working out great. Love and prayers, Sallie, Scott & Noah

Roderick Henderson, PT, OCS, CSCS said...

Hang in there Mark! The physical therapy will be tough at first but you will steadily get strong enough to run away from your therapist!

Karen Bills said...

I keep thinking of how you were when I saw you in the hospital. Just having pain sounds good to me. I just mean I wasn't sure you would make it when I saw you. (I know -Oh ye of little faith!) I get thrilled every time I read your blog and hear how great you are doing!!! And you are doing great!!!!!!
Remember, the prayers are still going up for you and your family.
Karen Bills