Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Quick Update Wednesday

Went in to see Dad at 8 AM as soon as they would let us in the room. All the doctors and residents were in the hall going over his entire charts and updates. They were very positive today. CT scan tomorrow on his head and pelvis. They gave him 2 pints of blood last night and will continue to monitor his hemoglobin levels.

Good news is that they are putting a clamp on the tube draining his hematoma today --- to see if the pressure is still staying stable or not --- if it does, then they can remove that tube in the next day or so.

They have continued to lower the dosage of the sedation and increased his pain meds. He opened his eyes a lot this morning for us and responded a lot --- not squirming and looking as miserable as yesterday. He looked much more relaxed and in less pain.

They want to do the pelvis surgery soon. Not sure on a date yet.

Connie Harrison came by this morning to visit and Scott came by and traded shifts with Mom so she could go home to Crosby and pack a good suitcase and take care of bills and stuff.
Paw Paw and Dedo (Wayman and Sharon) are coming this afternoon also and Mom will be back later.

For now, I am going to New York. Mom assured me that this was okay and that people would be here to take care of her and it would be alright. Matt and I bought tickets months ago to go on this trip so she and everyone else are telling me to enjoy it. I had a hard time leaving his side this morning --- but I know he is in good good hands.

I showed Mom how to use the blog so she will post updates or she can call me and I will post them. Tiff and Brea will be down from San Marcos soon and Matt will be with them and finally get to see Dad. The children's nurse has to prepare him before they let him in because of his age. He is really looking forward to seeing Dad, though I don't think he really understands all that is going on.

That is all for now. Keep on praying and loving on my mom, grandparents and family! You guys are amazing and I love you all ! THANK YOU so much for being so so awesome and supportive. We love you.


Danielle Izzarelli said...
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Danielle Izzarelli said...

Betty - I am so sorry that you are having to deal with this right now, or at any time for that matter. I know you are a really strong woman and you have such a close family that you will be ok and get help when needed. Mark is a such a great guy. I hate that he is the main one going through all this. I know he is at the best place possible for his type of injury. I am amazed that he is doing so great after such an incredible fall, just goes to show how strong he is too! I would hate to call and bug you, so I will be reading the blog and thinking of you all. If there is anything I can do or sorority can do contact one of us and we will spread the word of need.

Jackie Massey said...

I work with Mark. I'm at South Plant but got to visit with him at TJ's the other day. I'm on vacation and so grateful they notified me of Mark's accident. Please let him know I'm praying for him, all of you, as well as the doctors and nurses treating him. I hope he will continue to strenghten and will be up and moving soon! Jackie Massey

Unknown said...

Bradley Family,
I'm with McJunkin, a supplier to Lyondell, I've been working with Mark for several years. He's a great guy with a big heart, he's truly one of my favorite customers. I was sadden to hear about Mark's accident. I just wanted to send a quick message to let Mark and the Bradley family know that you're in my daily thoughts and prayers. I'm glad to hear that he's progess is improving. Rest assure - the power of prayer is working hard for his immediate recovery. Please continue to keep us posted on his recovery and let him know he's got alot of people thinking about.
God Bless and take care
Jennie Garcia
McJunkin - Houston

Tommy said...

I work with Mark as well. I was very sorry to hear about his accident. Mark and his family will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thank you for keeping me updated.
Tommy Roberts

Marlies said...

Hi Bradley Clan,
I just wanted to send my love and prayers to everyone in Texas. I have been on the road the last few days and unable to talk in depth with anyone in the family, so the blog is a good way for me to keep up with Mark’s progress. It is great to hear that he is making progress everyday….. Each little step is a blessing. Please let us know if there is anything at all that we can do for you. Hugs and kisses to everyone…

Marlies and family

Amanda Adams said...

Rae, Mike and I went to see Mark Wed.night....he looks GREAT! His B/P is slightly elevated but his MAP( MEAN ARTERIAL PRESSURE: MAP is considered to be the perfusion pressure seen by organs in the body) is in range, which is a more important # than B/P. Pain, fear, anxiety and excitement will raise your B/P..and on the flip side, pain and anesthesia medications can cause your B/P to drop. He still has fluid draining from the pressure on his brain. His damage to his lungs is better..they removed the chest tubes. His right lower side has a nasty purple/reddish bruise..I was shocked since he broke all his ribs on his right side that his WHOLE right side was not bruised.

BETTY: she is just one of the most fabulous women I have ever been blessed to call my friend. Mark is one lucky guy!

Everyone keep Mark and his wonderful family in your thoughts and prayers. Keep the really works!
Amanda Adams