Tuesday, July 10, 2007

BP High - Tues Afternoon

Hey guys...

His blood pressure is up a bit so they gave him some pain medicine to bring that down. The pain is causing him some discomfort, so that causes his BP to go up/

Me and the nurse got to talking early this morning about her brushing his teeth. He sure doesn't like it but I keep reminding him that I am making them keep those teeth brushed!! He fusses and moves when they do it - but they are taking good care of those teeth for me as well as everything else! Amazing people!

We will keep this updated...

Love Meg


Marsha said...

Hey guys.
I just wanted you to know that I'm thinking of you. Hopefully, things will start to level out for Mark soon and he'll be well on his way to recovery. Please, although I know its difficult, remember to get adequate rest for yourselves. Mark is gonna need to borrow on your strength at times.
I just wanted to say to each of you how much you are loved.
My prayers are being sent up and know that God has each of you cradled in his hands taking care of you.
Thanks for the updates and I will check back often. Much love is being sent your way.


Stacy said...

Hey Meg & Ms. Bradley,

I'm glad to read that Mr. Bradley is doing all right. I know it's going to be a long hard road for everyone and y'all are all in my prayers and thoughts. If y'all need anything please let me know. I know I can't do much because of distance, but I'll be thinking of y'all.

Love y'all,

Scott S said...

Betty Megan and all family members,

Please allow me to help whenever it is needed and do not hesitate to contact me.
Please make sure, as Marsha wrote, to get yourselves the proper rest.
Let me know what I can do and all prayers and well-wishes are with you all and Mark.

Karen Claunch said...

I just learned of Mark's accident yesterday and received this address from Connie just a few minutes ago. Please know that you are all on our prayer list for guidance, comfort, strength, and healing. The power of prayer is awesome and Crosby has some of the best prayer warriors around. Our family can attest to this! Take care and give yourselves plenty of hugs.

The Claunch Family

Connie said...

Hello - perhaps the second time preparing a message will work...I must be the only person without a goggle account.

Please know that the Harrisons are praying for all of you. My special prayer for Mark is for more patience. I will stop by and see you soon. Please call if you need anything brought to you.

Love, Connie

Eddie Adams said...

Thanks Meg (Doc),
I have informed The Adams' Family and PLEASE let him know he and his family are in our prayers. Hope to see him soon. Let us know if we can do anything !!