Monday, July 16, 2007

Monday Morning

Sorry I didn't post last night, I was just exhausted. At 5:30 am he is receiving 6mg per hr of morphine and 9.6 ml per hr of propofol (sedative). His ICP (skull pressure) goes from 10-20 within an hour so they have to keep draining it so it doesn't escalate above 20. His temperature is at 100.3 and his blood pressure is 126/66, pulse rate 76. They had to put him back on the sedative so he wouldn't get agitated. I am waiting on a bed in the NICU unit and hope one will open up VERY soon so they can take really good care of him.

This morning the floor doctor came in and shook him a little bit and he opened his eyes, but he is so sedated he didn't respond to their commands. They said they weren't expecting anything since he is so sedated at this point. He is on 2 antibiotics now, 1 for pneumonia and another for a bladder infection. His pneumonia hasn't gotten any worse in the last couple of days, which is good!!!

I found a computer in the hospital so I am able to update the blog from here instead of leaving and going to Megans house. I am going to listen to rounds this morning with my friend Mandy Adams who is a nurse and can help ask important questions and better help me understand a little bit more.

Your thoughts and prayers are greatly appreciated and can really be felt. Thank you all for your support and keep the prayers coming.


KarenC said...

Dear Mark, Betty & Bradley Family; You dont know me, I am a close friend of family in North Texas. I have been following the blog since it first started and have had you and your family in our prayers ever since. This is such a difficult time for your family right now. My kids and I would like to leave you our prayer: Dear Heavenly Father and Heavenly Family, please watch over Mark and continue to keep him in the palm of your healing hands. Bring a peace, comfort and strength to Betty and the entire Bradley Family so they will know that you and your angels are surrounding and will sustain them. We pray for a quick and complete healing and we pray that you will take care of all the family's needs, no matter how great or small they may be. We pray this in your Holy Name, Amen.

God Bless you Bradley Family and extended Family.

Betty, nobody knows your pain, but the Father, rest upon him, cry when you need to, breath through the very difficult times, and lean upon all the family and friends who are here for you. Rest in the knowledge that you are loved.

We will continue our daily prayers for you. KarenC and Kids

Brea said...

I just read what Sarah read about Mom being a slow typer, it made me laugh a little bit cause I know how true that statement was.

Let me just say Mom, that I wish I was there to be there and type my 2 million words per minute for you. But more than just typing for you, I wish I could be there with you and Dad cause I know noone knows you like me and the rest of your children!

I'm so glad you're hanging tough (Like a New Kids on the Block fan or something) and just keep reading these blogs and the Get Well cards that everyone's sending because that's just one more thing to help you get through this.

I love you mom, and please tell Dad I love him too.

Karen Bills said...

I am with you and Mark in thought and prayers. Sharon reminded me at the reunion about when Mark & Scott were in diapers and they would come to the reunions. Jeanette and I would meet them at the car and lug them around on our hips for the weekend. Sharon said we were a welcomed sight to her. That seems like such a long time, but at the same time such a short time. You don't have to tell Mark I was talking about him in diapers!!
Thank you so much for the blog and keeping everyone informed. I am coming into work to check on Mark on the weekends. There are alot of people praying for Mark, you and the family. My coworkers will come by and ask how Mark is doing.
Love you,
Karen Bills

Ann Harvey said...

Hi Betty,
I met you and Mark only once. It was at Aunt Dortha's funeral. I am Sharon's cousin.
You and your family are very much in our prayers. We are praying for Mark's recovery.
Mark was born the very same day that my youngest son was born.
Please give Sharon my love.
Stay strong, Betty.
Ann Harvey

Marlies said...


I wish there is something that I can say or do to make any of this better for you and the family. I want you to know that we are all here in Florida praying and thinking about you each and every moment. Don’t be afraid to ask anything from us… that is what family and friends are for.… Please give Uncle Mark a hug and kiss for me….. We love you all

Marlies and family

smedina said...

Dear Betty and Family, I just found out about your husband Mark through an email here at work. I will pray that God will give you and your family the strength to make it through all of this and that Mark will recover fully. If you need anything please let us know - we are here for you. May God Bless you and carry you through. Sharon and Family