Sunday, July 19, 2009

July 19 and still kicking

Wow, I can't believe it has been over three weeks since I posted ANYTHING. I sometime wonder if anybody still looks at this. Then I look at the replies and I realize who still loves me! YES, this still makes me feel good to know people still are looking.
All seems to be going great everyday. It seems that life is so busy most of the time, I really forget who's still looking...
I have been going to Church with Megan the last two weeks and it has done two things for me. I realize again how important God is in my life. Even though I speak to him regularly, in Church is a good feeling. This Church she is trying is a little too energetic for me. I LOVE the preacher, but the group around the Church is TOO INVOLVED for me. I don't need a service that so many FEEL LIKE they need to speak out. I think confused or worried people are that way. I am sorry if you feel this is a necessary part of the service. I don't need the guy in front of me talking out loud and raising his hand the whole service for me to feel like I am communicating with God. HE is in me and HE is a part of me. That I know and That I appreciate! I love Him greatly for helping me out of the WHOLE I was in and I thank him for helping my family and friends overcome these obstacles. I don't think I would be here if He had not wanted me to still be here. My Love for Him could not be any greater than it already was, but my appreciation for Him HAS grown. YES, I thank him every day and I always will, but to see people in Church act like many of these people do is not what I need to see. I AM SORRY if this bothers or offends you. What I NEED and what THEY need is different.
Life is going great for me. I am a big user of FACEBOOK right now because I am coming up on my school reunion and many people in my class enjoy this. My girls know this better than I do, but I can communicate with people I have not seen in years (some of them I remember and some I don't). Can I lie and say this is my 20th reunion coming up? I would not be able to sleep tonight like that. Does 25 sound better? YES, that's a lie, too. It's kind of hard to say I am PROUD to have a 26 year old Daughter and I did not know Betty when I was in High School. Do the math. Is 25 possible? Tell me if it is... YES, this will be 30 years and YES I am still here to appreciate it! 2 years ago, I would have doubted it. Thank You GOD for allowing me to be here to enjoy SPOILING Max. Yes, I do it every chance I get! And , yes, I love every SINGLE minute of it!
I love you all so much and I am sorry I have not updated sooner.
If you have a chance, look at FACEBOOK. Megan Putonti (Yes, she is still and ALWAYS will be my Daughter) has pictures of Max on there and Tiffaney Bradley has some, too. Breanna has a spot on there, too.
Go back to you nap. I am sorry if I interrupted it in anyway.
Love you all always,
Mark 7/19/08


Meg said...

Hey Dad

Just wanted to say I love you. You know that I am sure but just in case you forgot.

I love you.

Harry and Gayle said...

We still check here now and then. Harry said he'd checked the other day and there was nothing new. We're very glad to hear you and family are doing well. Been really hot here but Fall will get here eventually.

Love, Harry and Gayle

Anonymous said...

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