Monday, January 19, 2009

January 19 and still around

Well, today is Megan's birthday. I remember where I was 26 years ago! It was a great day then and is a great day now. She is about 17 days away from having my first Grandchild. IF her water does not break before this, she will enter the hospital on February 4 and they will induce labor on February 5th. It will be a while before he calls me Grandpa, but it is one of those things to look forward to. I am so EXCITED about this. The doctor says she is doing fine, but getting around is getting harder and harder. I remember this when Betty was at this stage.
I am having to deal with our company filing Chapter 11 right now. With this down turn in our economy, this will be one of those things to deal with using time. At least it was not Chapter 7 so we are still moving forward. They are looking at jobs that everyone does and will measure each of our progress with this. We are supposed to be cutting 15% in our work force. My boss asked me how I am feeling these days. I talk to him honestly and tell him where I still have issues. It STILL hurts to get on a bicycle and rough roads still are a challenge, too. Climbing still is trouble for me because it was one of those things that I could do with no issue. Now it hurts to do it and I move a lot slower than I used to, but I wake up breathing every day, so it is a good thing. Bathroom issues bother me more than it did before but not having a gall bladder will do that to you. Smile and move on and deal with the issues as best I can.
I noticed that no one sent any replies to last few messages out, but my mind will not let me believe that no one is reading them. I understand that reading and replying are different. Some people read these notes and have nothing to add and I can live with this. Once my mind convinces me that no one is reading, I will stop writing here. This is one of those things that HELPS me deal with my issues.
Betty told me last week that I am not the same person that I was before. She said that my mind is not working like it did before and that she sees that it bothers me ALOT. I don't see this, but she does and is not afraid to tell me about it. I know I loose my temper easier than I used to. Sometimes I notice it, but sometimes I don't. Many times there is some information that I need that I SHOULD know, but now I don't know it. This is frustrating to me!
When I left the hospital, they told me that I would be in a wheelchair for one year and on a walker for two more. Well, last October is where my one year would have been. There is no way I could tolerate this, but they told me to expect it and learn to deal with it. Betty says that my determination to get better pushed me harder than they would expect. Yes, my pelvic area still hurts and I don't sleep as good as I used to, but that is OK as long as God allows me to wake up breathing.
I love life and all the help that everyone gave me and I thanks God for helping pull me out of this. I know this was tough on all of my family and friends, but most of those tough times I don't remember.
Life is great and God loves us all. Don't be afraid to talk to him in times of needs or if help is needed. He pulled me out of a bad spot and will help you too if you ask Him.
Thanks for reading this and keeping up with where I am and where I am going. I love you all so much!
Mark 1/19/09


Arthur said...

I read and re-read everyday!

Jen said...

Mark - you are a miracle! You are so inspriational to all of us.

Please find a way to post some pictures when Megan has her baby! We are all so excited for the family!

I saw a picture of the Bayport plant in Chemical and Engineering News magazine and read about the Chapter 11. It seems like only yesterday that I was out at Bayport and then, in the summer of 93!, out at Channelview and sharing that second desk in your office as a second-year intern. Those were some really happy days for all of us in QA. I get asked about how I came to be a chemist all the time. Students are so curious! They love to hear about how I got bit by the industry bug at Lyondell.

Ann Harvey said...

I read it and would miss it if you stop-- so don't!!! Tell you Mom that her cousin said "Hi"

Unknown said...

Don't stop this is how I keep up with your progress. I always read but don't always take the time to reply and I should atleast say HI! Hey that rhymes. Well anyway its good to hear from you as always, and please do post pics of the new baby when the time comes. Keeping you in prayer. love, Sallie, Scott, And Noah

Unknown said...

I always read your posts, and have been since the begining. It's a way for me to feel close to all of you. I miss everyone so much. I'm really thrilled for Megan and can't wait to see the pictures. Love you. Christine