Sunday, August 10, 2008

Here is August and still going along

August is on us and I am still getting better. The doctor said my elbow is a bone spur that must have broken in my fall. He said UNLESS is it too painful to live with, it should be left alone. He said they is a "liquid" area near this spot and the wound made from removal would not heal up right. He said some people have openings there that will not close up but always leak. I can live with this problem like it is. He was not too happy about my shoulder, though. He looked at x-rays of it and decided I needed to have an MRI done. I went yesterday (Saturday, Aug 9th) and had this done. The technician said the doctor will get these on Monday. I know that reaching for something with my right arm hurts, but I try not to do this too much. I am hoping surgery is not the answer, but if it is, I am comfortable with this doctor and will do whatever it takes to get rid of this pain.
I have the greatest of thanks to my next door neighbor. I had the shutters taken off the side of the house a few months ago and could not get comfortable on a ladder to put them back. The were repainted and have been waiting until I felt good enough to put them back. I was talking with Mark about them yesterday and trying to figure out who I could hire to do this. He said he would put them back on. He did a great thing for me because I knew better than to try this stunt. Heights still bother me but hanging off the side of the ladder was not something I would try. I can make it up a ladder, but it is not something I am comfortable with.
I don't know how many people still come here to read up on my progress, but I thank you all for being so supportive of me and my family. We saw Megan yesterday and she is starting to show and we are all looking forward to February. The first Grandchild is an exciting thing for us. We all call it "Peanut" for now, but she will want to know what sex she is carrying as soon as they can tell. She is one of those people that wants everything to be just right when the baby is here. Room will be set up just like it needs to be and all the stuff to go with this gender.
Breanna turned 20 on Friday. This was an exciting day for all of us. She is starting a new job right now and this will be a challenge to learn everything needed to move forward with it. She will push herself a lot to make this work out. Tiffaney's new job will start in a few more weeks. Teaching is one of those things that she does well. She will be teaching Chemistry and Physics to 10th, 11th and 12th graders at Deer Park High School. The good part of this is that these are elective classes that people take to learn more. It will not just be a group of kids that don't want to be there. This will be a challenge for her, but this is the kind of thing she enjoys.
My love to you all for reading this. I will post more information on my shoulder once the doctor decides what our best bet is.
Thanks for being here.
Mark 8/10/08


Unknown said...

Well Congratulations to you and Betty I am sure you are all very excited about "Peanut" I know I can't wait to be a grandparent. Glad to here that they are really checking out your shoulder, praying that that all goes well for you. Also really glad to hear that you didn't try and put the shutters back yourself. You do have excellent neighbors. Well just wanted to congratulate you and your family. love and prayers Sallie, Scott & Noah

Jen said...

Mark, I am so glad to hear you are doing so well. I read your blog every week! It is also great to hear exciting news about your family! I can't believe Meagan is going to have a baby - where di the time go? And tell Tiffaney we are so thrilled she is teaching chemistry and physics! We need more smart women teaching science!!!! I don't actually teach here at the University but I mentor a lot of women students who tell me about their awful HS teachers. Tiffaney will be a shining light for these students to look back on and thank! You and Betty are so lucky to have such amazing children! And you have to tell us how Matt is doing. Hugs to all of you from all of us in TN! Jen and family