Thursday, May 29, 2008

Another week has come and gone... May 29

Here we go again. Another week has flown by and I am still here breathing on my own. This makes life great! Boy, we sure had a bad rain storm last night. Several people told me that we got 2 inches of rain. We needed that around here.
Betty's brother passed away on Wednesday. He fought it as much as he could, but they knew this was coming. It does not make things better, but it is life as we know it can be. His wife is donating his eyes to someone that needs them which is a great thing to do. I know it was not an easy decision, but it will be good for someone to see again.
My poison ivy is getting better, but it hangs on like it knows how to do. It wakes me up during the night when it itches. I try to apply more medicine to it to help, but it is not pleasant. Me and poison ivy don't get along together real well, but, it like many other things, is something you live with. This is a good thing for me to have life to put up with it.
My pain seems to be getting better as time moves on. It does not hurt as much to climb stairs as it once did, but ladders and I still have an issue. I can get up them with pain, but don't balance as well as I used to. That is OK, too, because I am here to deal with it. Lifting something heavy still is pretty painful and getting something off the ground is still a hard process to work around. That, too, is something I am glad to be able to deal with. My memory is still suffering from all of this, too. I don't remember things like I used to. Names are my worst problems, but numbers are not as easy to remember as they used to be. Oh well, I told a group of guys at work today that if I look at them like I don't know them, don't be afraid to tell me who you are. This is tough on me still. At work, I have to write everything down that needs to be done or it won't get done. I work off this list all day. Sometimes, my 10 hours day is much longer because I work slower on things than I used to. I hear from many people every day that I am one lucky person to still be here. This I do realize! I can just hope my mind will come back to where it used to be, but that is just a little of hope from me. Only time will tell for sure.
Sitting still hurts to do. Anyone with a broken tailbone understands this better than anyone else would. This is something that will be there for a long, long time, if not forever. I have a foam pad at work that I sit on and it helps a lot, but any other time I sit some where else, it hurts if I stay too long. My right should still hurts daily, too.
Would any one out there like a case of poison ivy? I will share it with you if you want some of this painful agony. Some people don't react with this as bad and I can only tell you how lucky you are.
Today, God is with me as He usually is. He helps my mind realize just how LUCKY I am to still be here. If you are one of those people that still reads this, I love you. If you only see it once in a while, I can live with that, too. This is an important part of my recovery to know people still care. Please tell God how important Russell was to Betty and to his family and He will lead him down the right path towards happiness.
Love to all of you. Mark 5/29/08


Unknown said...

So sorry to hear about your Brother in law. Noah fell off his rip stick (skateboard) last Saturday and broke his wrist, he will be in a cast for 6 8 weeks, but it will heal with surgery, that was really good to hear. Not a good way to start off his summer though. We will work around it, he is handling it very well. Tell Betty we said hello. Have a blessed week. Love and prayers Sallie, Scott & Noah

Marlies said...

Hi uncle Mark... I still read and I love you and miss you so very much. I wish that we didn't have so many miles between us. Give everyone a hug and kiss and remember that we think about you guys all of the time. I hope to see you soon. Maybe I can make a trip out there this summer. Amanda is going to be dancing with the Orlando Ballet for a bit, but maybe after that... love you