Saturday, April 12, 2008

Saturday, April 12 and still here...

Another week has gone by and I am here again. My doctor was a little concerned on my progress being made. He was upset that I quit going to therapy because of time. He told me that I will not fully improve if I don't go and let them work me further. It is hard for me to get there before they close without leaving work early. I will explain to my boss how important this is to my doctor and for my health. I have to go do this to continue to improve. I have to make this an important part of my week and spend time there to get better. I always knew that it helped, but I did not see it as a problem not getting to go. He asked me if I wanted to be like I am for the rest of my life. This was an easy question to answer. He knows I will probably never be back where I was, but I can get rid of some of my problems by working on them in therapy. This is what I need, another person in my life that cares about me and how I am doing. My boss will just have to understand how important this is to my future. That is one of those things I have to be thankful for. A boss who cares about how I am and won't have a problem with this little bit of time missed by leaving a little early.
I saw one of my neighbors out building a batting cage for his son and could help a little bit, but I could not do much for him. I could tighten the nuts but could not raise the bars for him. It is so aggravating to me to not be able to do the things that I used to could do, but that is how I am now. Less helpful and more bothered with this. I know I am trying to get used to it, but it is a tough "pill" to swallow. My parents knew this. They had someone come in and build their front porch, even though Dad and I built the back one before my accident. He knew that WE could not do it since I am not a lot of help on things like that. He did tell me what he was doing so I would not get upset about it. I hate little things like that, but I just have to accept them and move on with my life.
It is like work. There are so many things that I can't do yet, but the guys I work with know this and handle it with out much concern. Their main goal is that I am there tomorrow. I know this and have come to the realization. Part of me wants to be fully back, but God is helping me work on these things a little at a time. I am so glad He decided that I still need to be here on this earth. I know this was his choice and I can only Thank Him over and over for this chance.
I wish to thank all of you for reading this and following how I am progressing. I am here because SO MANY of you prayed for me. I don't even know how many prayer groups I was in, but it was evidently enough to keep me here. I still get scared when I read the BLOG for the early days. I did not know any of this at the time it was happening, but I still bothers me, now.
Thanks to all of you for the kind thoughts and prayers that were sent for me. You are part of the reason I am still here and able to write my notes as I go.
Love you all so much. More information sometime soon.
Mark 4/12/08

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Its always nice to read your blogs. Today at church 2 people came up and asked me how you were doing, I told them and they both said what a miracle he is able to do so much so soon it hasn't even been a year since his accident, and he wasn't even conscious for so long. When you look at it like that, you really have come such a long way. We will pray that you are able to continue therapy, and continue to progress. Have a blessed week. Love and prayers Sallie, Scott & Noah