Saturday, February 9, 2008

Every day has good times and bad times... 2/9/08

As a general rule, I am feeling better as each day is upon us, but there are those things that don't work out as expected. We went to San Marcos on Friday to do so work to the trailer and I have found MORE things that don't go with the new me. We had to put a new floor tile in the bathroom and it hurts to be on my knees to kneel on them or sitting on my butt (broken tailbone makes this unpleasant). Then on top of that, I have to reach to the ground to set the tiles. My body does like like doing things like this that aren't pleasant. I put some of the tiles down, but Betty took over when it came to cutting the tiles for fit. I don't have the strength or patience for this right now and that bothers me a lot every time. I think that my short temper gets moving when I can't do something that I always done. My wife knows this and is real key to where I am on it. I did not have this bad of a temper before and I am not sure if this is a bad effect of my fall and another was God stepped into my life to make me become a better person in the long run. I just need to try to control it better. I am sure once I am fit to do a lot of things, this will go away, too, with my help to push it out.
Well, we have a big day come up soon. I will be turning 40 AGAIN on my birthday. I think this is the eighth time for this to happen. (One real one and then seven more REAL ones, too). I am usually one of those people that don't make a big deal off of birthdays, but this year I am going to celebrate the fact that I am still here. I am planning on sticking around for a while, so I can be here to bother people. We all have to good at something, right?
There were two replies to my last note. One of our friends, Sallie and Scott, sent there best wishes and thanked me for keeping this going. I did not figure many people read it too much, but I guess I was wrong. Thanks for that note. I know how many people care about me and my progress, but progress in not a "daily" change anymore. I am moving along in the right direction, but the steps don't change much except over larger times. There was also a note from Sarah and Nicholette sending me sweet thoughts. Sarah was worried about the ladder climbing I did at work. I did OK on it and did not go up too far or every feel like it was a problem. It really pushed my upper body to do more than usual and was tired later from this, but I need to see what I can do on this without causing any issues. I will not do anything that creates any issues with my body because I don't want to start all of this from the beginning again. This is not something I would every wish on anybody, but where I was at first, I was one lucky person to have so many people praying and wishing well for me. I think that is the reason I am still here! God listens to concerns of people that need his help and I have found that I had SO MANY.
I love you all so much and sorry the updates are not daily anymore, but the same story every day would get old, too. So I figured once or twice a week would be a well needed update for me. I am only away from you as far as your mind let's you be. Take care and more information on me as I think of it... It you want a personal comment, my e-mail at work is a little different than it used to be. I am there Monday through Thursday of most weeks and it can be sent to me if needed. My new address is: One of the things that happened while I was down, is that our company was bought out by Basell and this is the new name they decided on.

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